Every story needs a Hero! Every tractor needs a Simha Kit 🚜

Pushkar Limaye
Data Kisaan
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2021

2 GB — That’s the amount of data that our 1000 Simha Kit devices transmit to our backend servers each day. That’s the size of a video file of a Bollywood movie! On the face of it, the data movie just contains the geo-spatial and health information of the tractors with Simha Kit.

If you look at upcoming Kharip season ’21–The numbers are even more staggering !1.8 TB. 900,000 Acres. 90,00,000 KMs.

Our flagship product is the Simha Kit — a business management tool for the rental tractor entrepreneur. Our customers typically improve their tractor income up to 30% making the payback period for Simha less than 2 months.

When we started, this data was used mainly to provide value to our primary customers: the tractor owners who installed the kit. But as days passed the data movie started unraveling into a blockbuster plot! If you dig deeper, identify and isolate patterns, add context, and then look at the same data again, you will realize that the data is actually composed of innumerable stories, with fascinating and engaging narratives. It contains several smiles observed after getting 15% additional income on farming plot,it contains worries experienced every time fuel level runs low during job, it contains business habits and so much more! These stories are powerful, and have the potential to completely revolutionize the way agriculture and related activities are conducted in India.

Courtesy : Infographia

Just as every movie and every story contains a hero — we created our own for this data story. He takes care of all the pattern identification, context addition, and the other tedious tasks to create insights that create impact. Introducing the hero (Drum rolls): Simha Profiler!

This blog post will introduce you to the mammoth powerhouse that the Simha Profiler is, what is possible with it and how the picture before and after the Profiler will be starkly different. Read on!

Enjoyed this article? Then be on the lookout for another two weeks later. Till then, for any data related discussions, feel free to drop us a line at datalabs@carnot.co.in. And don’t forget to follow Data Kisaan on Medium.

