Breaking Down the Numbers: Why Andrew Tate’s 7,417 Push-Ups in Jail Isn’t That Impressive

2 min readNov 7, 2023


Let’s dive into a little reality check. You might have heard the legendary tale of Andrew Tate and his 7,417 push-ups during his 92 days in jail.

Sounds impressive, right? Well, let’s put on our critical thinking hats and break down those numbers to see if they’re really as mind-blowing as they seem. Buckle up, because we’re about to do some calculations that might surprise you.

The Story of 7,417 Push-Ups

First off, hats off to Andrew Tate for keeping active during his time in jail. Staying committed to fitness in such circumstances is commendable. But let’s dissect this a bit.

1. 92 Days in Jail: Andrew Tate spent 92 days behind bars. Now, let’s consider that timeframe.

2. 7417 Push-Ups: During his time in jail, Andrew managed to bang out a total of 7,417 push-ups. At first glance, that seems impressive, right?

Let’s do some math to see how “impressive” those numbers truly are.

7417 Push-Ups / 92 Days = 80.78 Push-Ups/Day

Hold on a second. 80.78 push-ups per day? Is that really the Herculean feat it’s made out to be?

Sure, push-ups are a solid workout, no doubt about it. But when we break it down into an average of around 81 push-ups a day over 92 days, the picture changes a bit.

That equals to about 3 Sets of 27 Push-Ups/Day = 81 Push-Ups/Day

In this context, 3 sets of 27 push-ups a day is not that much.

While the number of seven grand sounds big, it’s not exactly a monumental accomplishment when you consider the timeframe.

A Broader Perspective:

In a different email, Andrew Tate claimed to be knocking out a staggering 750 push-ups daily during his time in jail. Now, that’s a significant increase from the previous number.

So maybe he meant when he gave the 7,000 pushup number that was what he did in a week?

What do you think?

Clearly, both Tate brothers stayed in great shape while in jail.

750 pushups daily would yield around 69,000 pushups while in prison for 92 days.

69,000 pushups is impressive over 3 months—7,417 isn’t.

Regardless, if you want to start doing more pushups, you need motivation and consistency.

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