Perun, The God of Thunder (Slavic Mythology)

12 min readMar 28, 2022


Perun (The God of Thunder)
Perun, The God of Thunder

in the beginning the universe had been in the darkness of non-existence for quite a long time there was nothing but chaos there was only the ancestor of all things.

Rod trapped and encased in the golden egg gradually Rod filled with love and finally the pressure from within had cracked the golden egg with the ultimate and most powerful force finally giving birth to pepper the Goddess of Love which brought this Incredible feeling throughout the universe.

Rod then began to create the First World He decided to divide light and darkness and gave birth to earth from Rod’s face the sun appeared from his chest came the round then stars appeared from his two eyes everything in Rod created Rod’s universe then created vast waters and after that land appeared from land, trees began to grow, animals came out of the forest and birds began to sing, he created a rainbow to divide land and sea.

Truth and lies the wind springs from the breath of muscle rain and snow from his tears his voice becomes Thunder and lightning then Rod gives birth to sound and breathes a mighty spirit into him one becomes a faithful assistant to all creation Rod the sound of the gliding orchestrates the changes of day and night He opens the path of the sun across the sky and the path of the moon in the night sky so that sound completely controlled what happened, so there emerged the first myths about the creation of the world according to Slavic mythology.

Rod (Slavic God)
Rod, Slavic God

Unfortunately Slavic mythology dates back to a time when writing was not the norm and therefore never officially recorded it is fortunate that some ancient legends have been restored thanks to folklore transmitted orally, rituals of folk beliefs and such records made by ancient chroniclers.

This is the beginning of a series of stories about various aspects of Slavic mythology because it is the beginning of something new so we will start with the greatest figure in the ranks of the Slavic Gods Perun is often compared to Thor from the world of nordic mythology Perun is considered the highest of all gods and is one of the from Son of Svarog.

Svarog (God of Craftsmanship)
Svarog, God of Craftsmanship

Perun is seen as the creator of rain, lightning and thunder and everything associated with hurricanes and storms.

Perun’s name is even taken from the root of the ancient Indo-European language Parg which means to strike like lightning. He has the ability to shoot lightning as well as create storms to help the farmers.

Apart from being associated with the weather Perun is known for his war attributions believed to be a fearsome and unforgiving God in whose leadership maintains world order during times of war or hardship the ancient Slavs looked to Perun who they hoped could punish their enemies or give life and fertility through rain.

Slavs have long been known for their closeness to nature, they often attribute the forces of nature or other things that cause origins in their daily lives to certain deities that they then worship.

Perun is the god of thunder and lightning he is often depicted with fire Mountain oaks, irises, Horizon Eagles,
the horse and carriage do not forget the weapons that are always in their hands, usually in the form of a hammer, ax or lightning arrow.

Perun is described as a man who is valiant with his copper Canggu. It is said that Perun was born from Mother Sva or Goddes Lada after he ate a pike fish which contained the embodiment of Rod the creator God. His father is a voice that is considered the father of the gods because he is the personification of the god Rod.

Mother Sva

At the time of his birth the sky was blue with Thunder then the clouds shone with lightning and he appeared as if struck by lightning Perun son of svarog the thunderbolt.

Like the world in nordic mythology the Slavic world is depicted as a huge oak tree separating them into three parts Yav where the gods rule in the sky Yap is inhabited by humans and forms What is seen by the eye and the Nav which is shown as belonging to the root tree and is the land of the dead with other words can be considered as the world that the Slavs standing on Yav Perun branch will watch over the Mortal World protecting it from wrongdoing just like Veles God of the underworld.

Veles (God of the underworld)
Veles, God of the underworld

The relationship between the two Gods is seen in the Slavic myth which describes Veles’ ascent to the world tree in the form of a snake stealing something precious from the belly like his children, wife or livestock for which Perun will chase Veles shooting lightning from the sky and hitting the earth where Veles will hide. at that time at the end of the battle Veles will be co-opted back to the underworld and conquered everything stolen will be returned in the form of Rain.

After Perun took his throne on a tree then proudly shouted “O Veles there you are and stay there” according to the Belarusian version of the tale this myth will repeat itself every year when Veles then returns as a snake once again shedding its skin from the previous battle.

For the ancient Slavs the arrival of the rainy season signaled the conquest of Perun over Veles whenever there was a delay in the arrival of the rain this meant that Perun had not yet succeeded in defeating Veles while the storm was considered a greater conflict between the two the conflict between Perun and Veles was not seen as a battle between good and evil rather, the opposing forces of the earth were one being water and the other being fire and spirit. The ancient Slavs believed this power to bring about a new season each year.

Apart from Veles Perun has also fought with other enemies during his youth before becoming the real leader of the Slavic gods another snake has appeared named Skipper the snake slithered out of the Nav and kidnapped Perun’s sister and was imprisoned in the earth while Perun was taken to prison. underground and imprisoned for 300 years knowing the loss of her son Mother Sva or Goddess Lada summons the maids of Perun and then transforms them into half human half bird creatures like Alkonost to help search for the servants and Mother Sva confronts the snake Skipper to find the location of Perun’s cage the snake tries to lie to the servants but their efforts failed and they finally found the location of Svarog Perun’s son was found in a deadly sleep state and he needed the water of life to be able to live again. exclaims that he will go to Monsters Skipper and reverse this action that nearly cost him his life this is Perun’s first mix in preparation for his biggest battle perun asking for Mother’s Blessing before entering Club kingdom but no one can just enter Skipper kingdom without going through some hurdles.

Perun Fighting against Skipper
Perun Fighting against Skipper

Perun’s first test was a dense forest where the roots fused into an impassable thorn bush. Perun’s fury threatened to cut down the forest into shreds so as to make the roots separate and Perun managed to get past him the God of thunder and then continued the next challenge which was the river in where the waves are very fierce and may sweep someone to death hit by rocks around the river bank Perun accidentally ordered the river to split to form a road so he could cross miraculously it happened as ordered. Finally Perun managed to arrive at a stretch of hills that also blocked his way like just like the jungles and rivers Peru also ordered the hills to separate and as happened in the first two the hills followed his orders Perun then continued his journey towards the next obstacle a large bird was seen standing on the 12 branches of a tree had a voice animal but hissed like a snake that roared loud enough to knock down trees in the forest but it didn’t make Perun worried he drew his bow and arrows and fired shots at the bird’s wings which fell straight from its nest and was thrown into the ground next obstacle Perun came upon a snake- the snake trapped Perun into the fire smoke came out of its ears behind the snake there were three sisters of Perun namely Zhiva, Marena and Lolya 300 years ago they were kidnapped by Skipper’s snake and turned into a monster their skin is now pale white then attacked the snake and ordered when his sister immediately went to the Rhipean mountains and bathed in the waters of the river and the sour lake.

Perun himself continues his mission to Skipper’s nest in the snake’s palace the walls are built of bones and skulls that form a fence now Perun has faced Skipper but the snake monster did not realize who entered its nest he said that he is the ruler of the underworld as soon as it reaches the sky he will tear it down to the ground.

Without saying anything Perun immediately attacked the snake and managed to step on Skipper and stabbed him with a spear. Skipper was surprised not to think that anyone could attack him. He also asked Perun if he was a God from the sky because Skipper’s death would only come in the hands of Perun’s son Svarog but now he is deep underground Skipper does not know that Perun has been freed and is now standing in front of him Perun then replies that Skipper’s death is in sight he is Perun the death he is talking about and the Terrible battle between Perun and Skipper started after fighting for day and night Perun succeeded picked up the serpent and threw it to the ground where Mother earth split the land swallowing all the skippers to form the Caucasus mountains.

The mighty battle has put Perun on the road to becoming ruler of the gods after that great victory Peru rises to Yav and returns to his rightful place as God over the Slavs Shortly afterward As pheron walks in the envious garden he meets a Diva dodola Dy the god of starry sky and thunder Perun was mesmerized and finally he asked her to marry him but the girl was afraid of lightning and cried as she ran away Perun followed quickly behind her She came to Dy’s house and asked the god’s approval to marry his daughter then invited Perun to chat over dinner while in the middle of a conversation a huge beast emerges from the Black Sea a snake with three heads it begins to wreak havoc destroying everything in its path and kidnaps the Diva hearing the monster’s roar Dy and Perun come out of the palace to save the Diva as they approach the snake stay on the golden train yes being pulled by eight creatures half horse half Crow when the snake saw them approaching Diva Managed to escape and said that he would love to walk on the sea but still chose to walk across the sky and play with lightning in the clouds it means the Diva still chose Perun this made the angry snake and darkness began to swallow the garden envious of one
the snake head started spewing sparks while the second one blew icy wind finally the third head
spoke in a howling voice “give back Diva dodola right now”.

Diva Dodola
Diva Dodola

ignoring that Perun and Dy turned into an eagle and immediately attacked the snake grabbing him with lightning and
lightning until finally the monster was defeated and fell back to his home at the bottom of the black sea.

The victory again won by the battle has convinced Dy and he agrees to marry Perun with his daughter Diva. Diva Now has become Peruna or Perunitsa the wife of Perun but during the marriage problems continue to befall Veles The god of the underworld has attracted Diva’s attention so that she is tempted to run away from her marriage but despite Veles’ offer the Diva still insists on returning to Perun but one thing she still doesn’t could resist Veles’ romantic charm. Nevertheless Perun and Diva’s marriage continued.

Perun’s final myth begins shortly after he married Diva and Diva’s marriage bears a child who gets powers from his father and pride from his mother. The child is named Devana and has the ability to transform into any animal from the smallest fish to a bird.
The strongest was clear that she was indeed destined to be a great hunter woman in the time that Devana had become the proud goddess of hunting has no fear Devana begins to hunt for her pleasure While walking among the forest together with Two obedient Wolves Devana decides to seize Yav the world of the gods and overthrows the voices to become queen of the three worlds knowing that Dazbog quickly informs Perun about the plan This Devana clearly angered the father who then rushed to his daughter when he saw him in the Perun forest. A roar was so loud that it scared the wolves who were with Devana.

Devana (Goddess of Hunter)
Devana, Goddess of Hunter

Devana had no choice but to fight against his father both drew spears and charged at each other on their mounts smashing each other’s spears into shards without injury. Perun and Devana drew their swords and continued fighting until the point where both their swords broke due to the force of Devana’s impact and then changed their form into the lioness Perun also did the same thing to become a mighty lion but now Perun has managed to defeat his daughter with a single swipe of his paw the lioness was thrown for the first time in his life Devana was terrified realizing that he couldn’t beat his father he took the form of a bird and tried to escape Perun Doing the same thing once again turns into an Eagle to overtake Devana and throws her down on the ground out of fear and weakness Devan finally takes the form of a fish trying to escape a second time Devan knows that his father will not be able to catch him if he is in the water realized it asked for help Mokosh Goddess of fate Perun’s request was answered and Devana was finally caught the female hunter started calling her father to apologize and vowed to obey him for that both then reconciled and Devana did not think a second time to conquer Yav the world of gods.

Mokosh (Goddess of fate)
Mokosh, Goddess of fate
Dazbog (God of Sun)
Dazbog, God of Sun

Most of Verona’s conflict is against the evil serpents that threaten the existence of the world although the exact reason that explains this is not really known as the god of war Perun is said to have a number of strange and powerful weapons one of which is an ax like Thor’s hammer the ax is a common symbol associated with the belly it is said that if it has been thrown at the enemy after that it will return to its hands Perun’s ax was often worn as a necklace by the ancient Slavs for protection from evil diseases and even lightning no matter whether it was Perun, Thor, Zeus or others The god of thunder will always be the main character in every mythological story because of Perun’s reign over the exorbitant He is also the main God of mountains and highlands he is revered among warriors but to ordinary people he is worshiped and feared for his justice when a storm comes it is a sign of his anger at Veles or a response to injustice done so when ba next dai come look up at the sky and hear the sound of Perun thunder rumbling like the ancient Slavs did.

