Triton, Son of Poseidon

6 min readAug 18, 2021


The ranks of the gods in mythology Greek is huge and as the result is part of the main God recognized.

Nevertheless modern retelling from ancient tales have confirmed some minor Gods from Greek mythology become prominent with one of the Gods it is Triton.

Looks like a Male Mermaid and a Female Mermaid has captured the human imagination since ancient Greek whose mythology spanning from 700 BC until now according to their legend all are descendants of the ancient God Triton Mighty messenger of the sea.

Sea creatures always have a dazzling fish tail be attractive and inspiring artistic in popular culture.

Princess Mermaids and their male companions are their supernatural sea creatures half human with tail fish are believed to have inhabited the environment salt water and sometimes going to land there are many legends about mermaids it is said that they have a voice beautiful but deadly they are use it to divert attention sailors and brought them to marine accident in another legend.

They help the people at sea use their power to awaken the wind or calm storm for the ancient Greeks the sea and water is very important and consequently many different.

Gods associated with water, most famous of these gods maybe is Poseidon but the main sea god others include Oceanus and Pontus which is the ranks of the ancient sea council in where can the Triton lineage be found Triton in Greek mythology is Son of the sea god Poseidon and his wife Amphitrite is one of the 12 Olympian gods who became gods ruler of the seas after Titanomachia the great war with the Titans after Zeus and his brothers succeeded overthrow their father Cronus.

Titanomachy (Olympus vs Titans)

Zeus become the supreme ruler of the gods

Hades became the ruler of the underworld and

Poseidon becomes ruler of the sea

Poseidon married Amphitrite The eldest daughter of Nereus (Pontus son) they have three child of Benthic Goddess of waves Rhodes.

Goddess and the personification of the island of Rhodes and Triton is usually depicted as a Mermaid with an upper body male and the lower part is the tail.

Fish name Triton itself usually used as a synonym for mermaid and mermaids though in some Triton’s opinion is often regarded as Sea satire.

Triton is often seen carrying the Trident of the three-pronged spear is similar to the one his father Poseidon carried.

Triton is also usually depicted carrying the shell of the conch shell is used by Triton as trumpet and has the power to calm ocean waves but sometimes make them ferocious sound.

Triton’s trumpet is even capable of making giants run away afraid of the invincible wild animals.

As a presidential envoy, Triton will riding deep sea creatures to quickly bring messages to all parts of Poseidon’s territory.

Besides that Triton also has the ability to ride those waves himself.

Triton is also described as The tritonic god of a saltwater lake big in Libya in the quest story golden fleece by Jason and cargoes ship argonaut they was hit by a storm and stranded in the Libyan desert they were forced to bring cargo ship to lake tritonis after that Triton helped the by navigating the Way Back Marine.

the Triton has a daughter named Pallas nymph of Lake tritonis besides that he also became the adoptive father of the goddess Athena.

Pallas Princess Triton and Athena raised together as brothers TriTon girls teach both Girls it’s the art of war they both really are aggressive and often duel with each other another in a festival of Pallas and Athena got into a fight with spear but Athena accidentally have killed pallas out of sadness and to treat his sister the deceased Athena made Pallas-like wooden statue named Palladium then Athena took the title Pallas.


Triton also appears in one of the story in the epic poem virgil when Misenus one of the trumpet players of Aeneas dared to challenge Triton to a music contest in stories mythologically clear that challenging a God there are actions that are not very wise even if it is a god minor as a result of the contest never happened because of Triton cast the marine misenus and sending waves for drown it.

Some sources mention that deep under the sea there is a golden place where Triton and their parents live and rule over ancient myths describes the Aegean as the home of the Sea ​​gods but the location has been move from place to place others along with the development of history when Triton becomes more bloody meat with Greek culture that eventually known as the source of entire race of beings named after the name is Triton these creatures are similar with a mermaid can be a girl or men and usually as bodyguards sea ​​god wherever they go.

According to one traveler from Greece, Triton has green hair very tangled all over the body covered with small scales and has gills behind their ears mouth where they are wider than normal human and have sharp teeth.

Like a pair of sea blue eyes dark and threatening their nails sharp and strong as the tail sea shell similar to a dolphin under the belly it was said that Triton gave birth this entire race of creatures there is a different story about the shell the conch that Triton had when Triton has pierced the shell that he find and take him in battle the gods against the Titans or Titanomachia there Triton blow strange noises through the shell of the giants who heard it became scared to think that some the beast has been brought by the enemy they thus run away and thus they were defeated as well.

Enter into the power of the gods within mythological story about the flood annihilate the human race ruler of the sea Poseidon put down his trident and calming the flood he called his son Triton as messenger of the ocean asked him to blow the conch shell that echoed to command the river and ocean waves to stop the Triton sea-colored with overgrown shoulders.

The sea coral then lifts the shell a conch with a spiral circle hole blowing the shell that sounds Until In the Mediterranean Sea and meet whole beach and sunset in the whole world at that time all wide waters on land and sea heard it and all became obedient to him

