Erosion control coconut matting
Coconut Weave Erosion Control Technology and Techniques
Erosion control coconut matting. Erosion and sedimentation in the upstream watershed has caused various problems along the Citarum River in West Java. Various parties, both government and private, have made various efforts to overcome this problem, both in the form of technical and non-technical controls in all parts of the watershed, both upstream and downstream.
Control in the upper or upstream land area is one of the methods developed. This method immediately reduces erosion where it occurs. The physical model of the green sabo technique in the field is used as an example of carrying out tests to control erosion in the upstream area with a demo plot.
This method uses the green sabo technique treatment, namely straw memes, coconut coir nets, mulch, and natural treatment. The purpose of implementing the model is to measure and compare the rate of erosion of various treatments. Based on calculations in the field consisting of soil, rain, and slope, it is known that the straw method is the best media treatment in controlling erosion on land. Here’s the discussion:
Erosion Control Coconut Matting
Sabo Technology
The literal meaning of the word “sabo” comes fromIn Japanese, “sa” means sand, and “bo” means prevention/control. Understood byBroadly speaking, techno sabo is an erosion control system,sediment, cold lahars, and soil countermeasuresAvalanche. The sabo system is a synthetictechnologyfrommechanical, civil and vegetative engineering,forestry development with conservation aspectsland channels and rivers in the catchment area.Sabo can be interpreted not only ascontrols the flow of lava/debris but also hasscope is slope failure, erosion,canalization, early warning system, terracing, sediment traps, etc. The sabo building itself isn’t it everything is a building in the form of structured and massive (Kusumobroto, et ( 2012). However, the sabo building also means all sediment control is also included in this definition of sabo.
Erosion control in the upstream area consists of : from a variety of different methods. These methods are intended to withstand the occurrence of direct erosion in the source area before being carried further downstream. This control consists of various types, namely structural and non-structural controls structural. Structural method in the form of building or a structure placed on land such as guludan, rorak, micro sabodam, gully plug, etc.
Green Sabo Technique
The green sabo technique is a technology that used to control erosion and natural sedimentation and more using materials derived from vegetation
on nature. This technique consists of a variety of method. One of the techniques used in non-structural erosion control is vegetation method. How vegetation can be included in the green sabo technique method because it has relatively the same function, namely resisting erosion right at the scene. Effort implementation is at the moor location. Some examples of the green sabo method are erosion-resisting vegetation such as grass vetiver, bamboo, salak, and perennials?. While the materials used in the method This is a material as land cover and function as bio-geotextiles, namely straw,
mulch, and coconut fiber netting.
The green sabo technique method carried out in this study consisted of 3 kinds of techniques, namely techniques with materials coconut fiber net cover, straw, and mulch. These three techniques are used because each one has the ability to combat erosion. Fibrous net coconut has the advantage of being able to reduce energy of land erosion due to rain, resist surface erosion, and absorb water surface. Straw technology works to reduce the energy of rain erosion and help fertilize the soil. Mulch too can reduce the energy of rain erosivity, reduce soil erosion on agricultural land and maintain soil moisture for the process plant growth.
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