Miro As a Collaboration Tool

Putri Natali Situmorang
5 min readFeb 10, 2024


Miro is an online collaborative platform that allows users to work together in real-time to create, share, and edit various types of visual content, such as digital whiteboards, diagrams, notes, and more. The platform is designed to facilitate collaboration between geographically distant teams or those working in a distributed manner.

Miro was inspired by Joan Miro, an artist from Spain.
The Miro creation team strives to develop tools that facilitate users in collaborating to create unique canvases containing great project ideas.

Uses of Miro

Miro has many uses, among these are

  • Collaboration and Coordination
    Miro collaboration refers to the ability of teams to work together in real-time on a single digital work board. Miro’s collaboration features allow team members to collaboratively create, edit, and provide input on visual content on boards, such as diagrams, notes, or design mock up. Through this feature, team members can share ideas, express opinions and make decisions collectively without having to physically gather in one location. and Coordination means relates to setting up and managing projects and tasks on digital work boards. With Miro, teams can use features such as timestamps, labels, and categories to organize content and identify priorities.
  • Brainstorming and Ideation
    Teams can use Miro as a platform to brainstorm ideas, create mind maps, or conduct ideation sessions to come up with creative and innovative solutions
  • Design and Prototyping
    Design teams can use Miro to create mockups, wireframes, and product prototypes collaboratively, facilitating design iteration and communication between team members.

How to use Miro ?

  • Visit the site https://miro.com , then create your Miro account. If you already have an account, simply log in using your credentials.
  • You can use a Google account or other account to sign up easily
  • Receive and approve the latest news and updates from Miro by checking the blue column, and choose your account to sign up
  • When all the steps have been completed, you will immediately find the main page of Miro and here there are many options that you can use

Miro Tools

  • Select
  • Templates
  • Text
  • Shape
  • Connection Line
  • Pen
  • Comment
  • Frame
  • Upload
  • More tools
  • Undo & Redo

Many features from Microsoft can be used based on the package or plan that the user chooses, because there are several types of plans available on Miro

1. Free plan
Miro is available for free. However, the facilities provided by the free plan are certainly limited. Even though it is free, Miro is a tool that opens up the number of users to this plan option. So, there is no difference between using a free or paid plan. All team members who use the free plan package can still create their own boards, edit them freely, and share them anywhere.

2. Team plan
The team plan is a paid plan at Miro. This is ideal to use if your team has 2 or more members. Because of this, export files from Miro will not display a watermark and the resolution is high. In this plan, there are also video chat and voting features

3. Business Plan
This plan is suitable for large teams or organizations that require additional security controls and administration features. Included in this plan is user management, advanced security, and premium customer support.

4. Enterprise Plan
is specifically designed for large organizations that require scale and customized features. Additional features include enterprise security, integration with internal IT systems, as well as premium customer support and dedicated account management.

5. Consultant plan
If you are a professional who works with clients, this plan is very suitable compared to the team plan. Team plans are recommended for team members who want to work together. Meanwhile, consultant plans are more suitable for professionals such as consultants who work with clients.

6. Education plan
Miro is a tool that can also be used by educational institutions. Therefore, there are education plans for schools and colleges. In this plan, 100 members will join a team and use Miro with various features tailored to learning.

Miro advantages:

  • Real-Time Collaboration
    Miro enables real-time team collaboration, facilitating effective communication and joint completion of tasks.
  • Ease of Use
    Miro’s user interface is easy to understand and intuitive, making it suitable for use by various levels of users, from beginners to professionals.
  • Various Features
    Miro provides a variety of features that support various types of activities, from brainstorming, design, project management, to data analysis.
  • Flexibility
    Miro can be used for a variety of purposes, from individual use to team collaboration on large projects.
  • Integration with Other Apps
    Miro can be integrated with various apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Drive, and more, allowing users to integrate their workflows easily.

Miro Disadvantages:

  • Price
    Miro’s more advanced subscription plans can be expensive, especially for large organizations with a large number of users.
  • Cannot be accessed offline
    Miro can only be accessed online, so it requires a stable internet connection to use.
  • Functionality Limitations in Free Plan
    Miro’s free plan has limitations in the number of job boards and certain features compared to paid plans.
  • Custom Integration Limitations
    While Miro has many integrations with popular apps, it is possible that some custom apps used by certain organizations may not integrate with Miro.
  • Lack of Structure in Task Management
    Although Miro provides aboard feature for task management, some users may feel a lack of structure in organizing and tracking complex tasks.

Reference Sites to know more about Miro



Putri Natali Situmorang

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