Case Study : Jago Last Wish

Putri Nur Isya
3 min readSep 28, 2022


Hi! I’m Putri, I will share my design process designing Bank Jago last wish feature on their mobile app. This project is a group project given from participating in the UI/UX Training Program with the Ministry of Communication and Information with Skilvul and Bank Jago as Challenge Partners.


Currently, there are many insurance products on the market, usually these products are sold as a form of prevention from disasters or bad things that will happen in the future. In addition, life insurance is also usually used to protect the livelihood of the family you support through your livelihood before it is time to die. This is quite serious considering that not everyone has planned for the future because of the general understanding of people about insurance and negative thinking about insurance.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects that can happen in the future, how about we look at it in a positive and fun way where life insurance is used to guarantee an exciting and fun life instead of worrying about death.

For this reason, Bank Jago requires a solution or service in the form of a design prototype for a mobile application in order to help customers make plans that anticipate unexpected events in the future that can affect their livelihoods and or family welfare.

Design Process

Design Process

1 — Empathize

At this stage, we identify the users wants and needs so that we make a list of user pain points.

Emphatize Stage

2 — Define

At this define stage, we gather all the information collected from the previous stage and make observations about user need with the help How Might We

Define Stage

3 — Ideate

The third process is the ideate stage, the process of generating ideas and solutions.

User flow

User flow is solution that represents the step taken by user in completing the flow on the product.



For organizing an item on a product page, we create a low fidelity wireframe and get a description to apply to the resulting user interface.

Lo-fi Wireframe

4 — Prototyping

The main goal in prototyping is to test whether the flow of a product is smooth and consistent.

UI design

5 — Testing

Testing is one of the important stages that must be carried out to ensure the resulting product meets the needs.


