NFT, OpenSea and Bot : Tokyo Sugar Baby Story 1 of 3

11 min readDec 21, 2021


Everyday, I look for a buyer for me on a matching app. One of the best things about being a sugar baby is that I can be on the seller’s side. I can exchange my value for a more valuable asset.

I want to have assets.

I want assets that have more value, not just the fluffy “me as a young girl” that only certain men are interested in and whose value is decreasing. Yes, an asset with more liquidity. I want an asset that people all over the world are willing to pay for.

That’s why I’m using a matching app to find a buyer, sugar daddy, for me, and I’m diligently exchanging my allowance for Bitcoin and other crypto assets. It’s a perfectly valid economic activity!

That’s what I’ve convinced myself.

Do you know how Bitcoin works? Bitcoin is being created out of a vacuum even today. Anyone can create a new coin as long as they have the capital to do so. Capitalists called bitcoin miners around the world use specialized computers to “mine” bitcoins every single day. I am not capable of such large-scale mining activities. I don’t have the capital. I can only buy the bitcoins that these people have produced so far.

While thinking about this, I lazily look at the screen of my phone. The temperature seems to have dropped in the corner where I sit in the relaxed atmosphere of Starbucks. I open a matching app, search, investigate the identity of sugar daddies, and assess the risks. The seller, me, and daddies are trying to find a match for each order from both side.

It’s tedious.

It would be nice if matching apps could do orderbook trading like Bitcoin.

Back to the university lab. There are no specific working hours. I’ve heard that some of the laboratories have set more strict working hours. In my laboratory, I have more freedom in my working hours. This made me feel that the team lacked unity, but I was comfortable with that.

Even with the pandemic, there are many people gathered in the lab. My lab boss’s policy is that students are the customers of the university, so they have the right to receive the best service.In order to do that, he says, everyone needs to gather. He said that a university is different from a company that deals with outside customers. It seemed a little inconvenient, but I didn’t feel bad about it.

If I didn’t have to come to the lab, I might have become a crypto asset addict. There was such a charm, or rather, a magic, in it. However, it might not have been a good idea to bring up the topic of crypto-assets in the lab when I was not able to think deeply about the subject.

My eyes met with Senpai and he said,

“Hey, how’s it going? Isn’t the price of Bitcoin going up again?”

This is how I end up providing the perfect topic of conversation.

“Oh, I guess so. Are you making money?”

Senpai laughed.

“The price has gone up a little too much, hasn’t it?”

This is how it always goes. I don’t know if he has Bitcoins or not.

“Are you looking into anything on crypto?”

“No, I’m too busy for that.”

I smiled and gave a safe answer. The truth is, I’m on Twitter every day, desperately chasing information.

“Have you ever heard of a bot?”

I was stunned by the sudden question. I wondered if my color had not changed.

“Well, what’s a bot? You mean the ones that do all sorts of annoying things on the Internet, right?”

“No, it’s a program that automatically buys and sells cryptocurrency. It’s okay if you don’t know.”

I really wanted to jump on this topic, but I continued to pretend that I was not interested at all.

“Oh, I didn’t know that existed. If you find out anything about it, please let me know!”


I was glad that he responded to my signal to end the conversation. It was a good thing that he didn’t have any silly ulterior motives to prolong the conversation. I went back to my daily work.

I didn’t get any notable results, but I finished what I had to do and left the lab. It was a nice change of pace from my hidden schedule. I rode my bike in the pleasant breeze.

I was surprised when Senpai brought up the topic of BOT. I wondered what I would do if he talked about something deeper, or if he mentioned the name of a famous SNS account known as a bot trader. I wondered if he runs a bot.

I think the word “bot” is made from the word “robot”. There is no exact definition, but it seems that any program that runs a computer and does something to the outside world is generally called a bot. What Senpai was talking about is probably a trading bot that aims to make a profit by buying and selling crypto assets.

I’m also building a bot. I started trading with a bot to fill my thirst and curiosity for crypto wealth. It was a pleasant, dreamy world. A world where geeks from all over the world could share the golden fruits of their efforts. However, I haven’t been able to make any money at all from bot trading. I can’t even see a way to make money. How many bot traders are out there who are making money? Maybe I need to change my way of thinking. I hurried on my way home, thinking only about how I could make more money with my bot.

In the evening, the exchanges on the matching app become more active. One of the messages said, “Otona, allowance 6”.

Otona, which means ‘adult’ in Japanese, is a secret sugar term for sexual activity. 6 means 60,000 yen.

I’ve never sold Otona activity to daddies. So far, I’ve only sold time for having a platonic lunch or dinner, which is called “Cha-Meshi”.

I’m a little shaken. If I had 60,000 yen, I could exchange it for more than 0.01 BTC of Bitcoin. For Ethereum, it would be 0.15 ETH or more. It may not seem like much, but I feel a sense of urgency to accumulate as much crypto asset as I can now.

For now, I’ll put it off. If I am going to enter into an Otona relationship, I need to manage the risk well. I stop thinking about it and go outside again. I want to change my mind again.

Personal nonminor prostitution is basically legal in Japan, and in terms of time efficiency and profit opportunities, I should probably sell what I can. From an economic point of view, if you have inventory, it is right to sell it.

Things for sale. Things for sale. Things for sale. For sale: ……

There was no particular destination in mind, but I entered the subway station anyway. Riding the subway would be nice. I wanted to get out to a more crowded place. I decided to go to the downtown area to resist the rush to get home. The people passing by on the station platform seemed to be real people, different from me. I made a place for myself at the edge of the platform.

I opened Twitter. The people I’ve been following have been talking about NFT a lot lately. It seems like every day there’s a good story about someone who made a lot of money selling NFT.

A dry chuckle breaked out at the corner of my mouth. If I had something like that to sell, I wouldn’t have any trouble. After all, even the NFT has to be bought at a high price in order to sell. What am I supposed to do with this one body? I stopped looking at my phone. With an announcement, the train slid onto the platform. I love the train cars that emerge from the curved tunnel.

At that moment, my heart fluttered with an inspiration. If I don’t have anything to sell, I can make something. I can’t create Bitcoin, and I can’t create Ethereum.

But what about NFT, which could be created by anyone from a vacuum of nothing? Yes, there is. There has to be! There must be an NFT for sale that even I can make.

Edgar Ende, Das Nest/Der Schrei, 1965

Then I started researching and looking for NFTs like a mad woman. It’ s not easy to get good NFTs for sale.

The NFTs that attract the most people are run by teams as NFT projects. But, I decided that I didn’t have the power to create one from scratch.

I also don’t have the time to search for such attractive NFT projects and be the first to get them while they are still inexpensive. People all over the world were scrambling for information to be the first to get their hands on the seeds of speculation. I didn’t feel like I could win.

I decided to find a way to issue a new NFT using the existing system. In order to select the right one, I set a number of requirements.

First, one that has some history and authority.
Second, something that will look nice on the NFT trading site.
Third, it must be able to issue new NFT in some way.

I found only one NFT that met these requirements, an NFT with a system called ENS. ENS is a system that manages the rights to a name. It is a system that allows you to give a special name to your account on the Ethereum blockchain. The name will have the “.eth” character at the end.

Unlike a person’s name, only one person can use the same name in the ENS, so the right to an easily recognizable name has great value.

After some research, I found out that the ownership of this name can be issued and distributed as NFT. In other words, the rights to the name can be sold on the market! Some names have actually sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars so far.

After some research, I found out that the ownership of this name can be issued and distributed as NFT. In other words, the rights to the name can be sold on the market! Some names have actually sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars so far.

The appearance on the NFT trading site was not bad either. For example, the name “beer.eth” is one of the name rights that has sold for a rather high price so far. If you check it on NFT trading site, you will see this stylish image.

And in ENS, you can come up with your own name and create a new one. Yes, a new NFT for sale.

However, the names that seem to have high value are already owned by someone else. Of COURSE. Ah, here we are again in the world of capital, capital, and capital. At first glance, it didn’t seem like there is much to be profitable. There was no point in issuing new rights to a name that no one would buy. The end.

Yet, when I was checking the specifications in the documentation just to be sure, I found the following interesting description.

It was a trivial note that most people would skip. In summary, it said something like this.

“Names with capital letters can technically be retrieved, but should not be allowed to be retrieved.”

Strange statement. And then, WAIT, my thoughts danced. I thought I had seen a name with capital letters on an NFT trading site before.

I opened a NFT trading site page. ENS name rights are called ENS domains. I filtered through the list of NFTs in ENS domains.

Among the huge list of domains, I did see one NFT for an ENS domain with capital letters.

The NFT image clearly showed the first letter as uppercase. ENS domains containing uppercase names can indeed be bought and sold as NFTs.

However, their registration is not recommended.

I was convinced that there was a distortion here.

“Senpai, do you know how to issue an Ethereum transaction?”

Few days later in the lab, I couldn’t help but ask such a question. I was grasping at straws.

After that, I immediately tried to register an ENS domain that contained capital letters, but I couldn’t even get to the registration screen from the official page. It was natural, since the official page said that we should not be allowed to obtain it.

“I understand.”

Senpai answered with a smile. I felt that his face was a little different from usual.

“Can you elaborate on that?”

“Ethereum, right?”


“I can tell you a little bit about it.”

Senpai always seemed to be hiding his hand. He might actually know a lot about it.

“What do you want?”

I had already thought of an answer to this question.

“…I was wondering how I could get a transaction out of the program without using MetaMask.”

He pretended to think about it for a while, but as expected, he didn’t pry into the details of what I wanted to do. He carefully explained to me how to use some libraries and sample codes. Senpai seemed a little happy.

“Senpai… you must know a lot about crypto, don’t you?

“No, I don’t.”

“You’re sure you’re making money, aren’t you?”

“No, I don’t have it. I should have bought it.”

I tried to make a small crack and close the distance between us, but there was no response. However, it was the right attitude for someone who deals with crypto assets. I liked that. I’ll take people who don’t trust anyone over people who do any day.

I thanked Senpai for his help and ended the conversation.

His advice was accurate.

Once I understood the starting point, it was very easy to issue a transaction to get the NFT of the ENS domain with the following simple code, where line 16 is sending the actual transaction. I repeatedly issued test transactions in a production-like environment called Testnet to check the bot’s behavior.

ENS domains with capital letters were plentiful. I got as many names as I could think of that would sell well, names like ‘DeFi.eth’ and ‘NFT.eth’ that crypto geeks would jump at. If you’ve ever played around with crypto assets, you’ve probably heard of them.

This is how I managed to get my hands on a few NFTs for sale.

Next Part : Part 2

