Peter C Valenti
6 min readJun 5, 2017


Trump’s Travel Ban and American History X: Mandingos, Moors, and Muslims

By Peter C. Valenti

There has been something missing from the debate over the Trump administration’s executive orders, both entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” which are ostensibly country-targeted bans but obviously a Muslim ban. As the furor rages, especially after the first ban was issued in January, opponents of the ban proclaim that Muslims are “welcome” in the US, as numerous signs held aloft at protests read. Supporters of the ban suggest that nationals of these seven countries (now only six in the new ban) pose a potential danger, indeed, even that they don’t “belong” here.

However, since both sides of this debate are unaware of certain historical dimensions of this debate, they are both framing their position incorrectly. Liberals don’t need to “welcome” Muslims to the US nor can conservatives “keep out” Muslims — they have always been here. Or put another way, you can’t welcome a sister to the family; she already belongs.

This is not just an issue of semantics but also about belonging and our collective American heritage, and by extension, the heritage of all the Americas.

The US belongs to Muslims as much as it belongs to the Christian majority. These Muslim Americans were part of the commonly overlooked and underdocumented part of our history — African slaves. We have to recognize that Muslims have been part of American society since the earliest colonial days in the form of African slaves, and thus a Muslim presence or Muslims coming to the US are not new phenomena. Given that the ban was issued during Black History Month we need to more loudly acknowledge their existence. This is a country for, of, and by Muslims; they are not alien to American heritage. This statement equally applies to Latin America.

These simple statements of fact — not “alternative facts” — of history underscore that Muslims have been integral components of the DNA of the Americas; this historical reality is not widely known or recognized for the reason that it seems invisible. This point underscores the educational value of Black History Month.

Even as Christopher Columbus and subsequent Spaniards claimed they were bringing Christianity to the New World, they brought Muslims with them. Though by far the largest numbers of Muslims came as African slaves, they were preceded by Moriscos from Spain or “Moors.” The earliest known example is Estevanico de Dorantes, originally from Morocco, who was with Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca during his explorations of Mexico, as found in the latter’s memoir La relación de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca published in 1542.

In 1607 the English of Jamestown imagined themselves as founding a Christian colony. But that wishful thinking was forever altered when the first African slaves arrived in Jamestown in 1619 (not to mention that the Jamestown colonists were ignoring the preexisting religion of the Native Americans). From that point on in time, those African slaves, from various regions of Africa, brought with them a variety of religions; my point here is to highlight the Muslims among them.

Today we can and should “welcome” new Muslims to the US but also simultaneously recognize that they have always been here.

As a number of innovative and detailed studies by scholars such as Michael Gomez, João José Reis, Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, Sylviane A. Diouf, Richard Brent Turner, Denise A. Spellberg, and Rudolph T. Ware have found, by way of painstaking data mining from slave ship manifestos, slave registers, memoirs, and archival and oral research in parts of the US and Africa, as the slaves arrived in the Americas so did Islam. In other words, just as Christian Europeans came from the 1500s onward to the Americas, so too did Muslim Africans.

Since most European Americans were either ignorant of Africans’ rich religious diversity or were hostile to Islamic practice specifically, they didn’t often recognize Muslim Africans as anything worthy of serious comment. For example, in Reverend James Ramsay’s comprehensive Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies published in 1784, not once throughout the book’s 298 pages does he deign to identify the religious beliefs or practices of any of the African slaves he hoped to convert.

A number of African Muslims voices did, however, manage to be heard by white ears and thus pull themselves out of obscurity — Ayuba ibn Sulayman (known as Job Ben Solomon) whose life story was recorded by Thomas Bluett in 1744, ‘Umar ibn Said who left us a manuscript in 1819, the celebrated “Moor” Ibrahima ‘Abdul Rahman who was brought to the attention of the John Quincy Adams administration. Many more nameless Muslim slaves were mentioned in an off-handed fashion by white writers in newspapers, slave documents, and memoirs. The 1803 manual entitled Practical Rules for the Management and Medical Treatment of Negro Slaves in the Sugar Colonies relates the following telling information about Senegalese slaves: “Many of them converse in the Arabic language, and some are sufficiently instructed even to write it. They are excellent for the care of cattle and horses, and for domestic services; though little qualified for the ruder labours of the fields.”

As Denise A. Spellberg’s engaging 2013 book Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an points out, in all likelihood both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had Muslim slaves on their plantations. As recent scholarship has focused intensely on Sally Hemings, Jefferson’s concubine of nearly 40 years, it has come to light that she probably had a Muslim grandmother. Given that Jefferson fathered seven children (four survived to adulthood) with Hemings, this means these children and their descendants represent an intermingling of Founding Father and Islamic ancestry.

Recognizing and including these individuals, whether we know their names or not, is not a statement of tokenism as they represented only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the wider African Muslim population which can never be known to posterity, usually due to lack of literacy (and thus inability to leave a written statement) and purposeful elision from the historical record by whites.

As Gomez and other scholars have demonstrated, an estimated 20–30% of African slaves shipped to the Americas was Muslim, in the early centuries the majority coming from West Africa such as the region of Senegambia. We can never be exact with this percentage because many slave ship manifestos just record numbers of individuals and not names, religion, or place of origin. According to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, approximately 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the Americas between the 16th-19th centuries (though some scholars put this number higher). Those Africans shipped to what eventually became the US have been tabulated at nearly 400,000. Based on these numbers, a conservative estimate would then mean that at least 80,000 African slaves brought to the US were Muslim. This means a significant amount of African Americans today could have Islamic ancestry; these numbers are probably much higher for Black Latinos in Latin America.

Many African Americans are unaware of this point. They are often aware of a few prominent Muslims of the 20th century, such as Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, and more recently Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, but these are often framed as new to Islam through conversion. However, both Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X were introduced to Islam through the Nation of Islam, which was actually an outgrowth of pre-existing Islamic legacies in the African American community. But given that approximately 98% of African Americans today are Christian or identify with a Christian heritage — a percentage brought about by the slavery epoch (as Ramsay’s book clearly underscores) — it is a logical legacy, or perhaps intentional result, that many are unaware of their Muslim forebears.

In addition to the many Muslim Africans, when we add the waves of Muslim immigrants to the US and Americas more broadly throughout the 19th century and into the 20th (long before the most recent influx), then we begin to realize the rich depth and breadth of Muslim Americans. No other Muslim community is as diverse as that in the US, with the exception of the community of Muslims living in Mecca today (Mecca being an international city, par excellence). Whether Muslim Indian coolies brought by the British, Muslim immigrants from the Ottoman Empire (often mislabeled “Turcos” in Spanish), or Muslims migrating from southeastern Europe such as Albania, there have long been Muslims living, working, and contributing to this society and American civilization. Some of these later Muslim immigrants have risen to great prominence; the example of Carlos Menem, former president of Argentina, is one such example.

We should oppose the Trump ban not only because it is an unconstitutional Muslim ban in disguise but also because it is derived from and reinforces a false narrative, both about a supposed “clash of civilizations” but also about US history. The history of the Americas has always included Muslims; they have been integral to the American heritage. Just as the Spanish conquistadores or Jamestown colonists forged and contributed to a new society, so did the African slaves (whether Muslim or not), alongside the many other “non-Christian” groups. Not only have these Muslim Americans “belonged” they have also participated and contributed in every era of US history.

This isn’t “political correct” multiculturalism. This is American history.



Peter C Valenti

Peter C. Valenti, Clinical Associate Professor, New York University