Are we changing?

p. wings
1 min readApr 28, 2022


There is nothing crazier than the fact that I never saw this happening. This — meaning now as in you reading this article. So thanks for your support!

I have nothing to do today so I figured I would let out some aggression that has been festering for some time now. My most recent trip to the supermarket was less rewarding than usual. As a matter of fact, this is not something that just started happening.

WE have changed. Grocery shopping has changed. The barbershop has changed. Content has changed. Technology, politics, medicine, all have changed. But what’s so weird is that the human being has not? I’m not saying that the human experience has been completely stagnant throughout history. I’m not even talking about history at all.

Take holidays for an example. Holidays are made for celebrating! You and your big ass group of relatives would gather around at someone’s house and unleash chaos for 48 hours minimum. People would dance and sing, get drunk, have sex if you’re into that. The point is you party on holidays — no exceptions! Now it seems like nobody is celebrating much these days.

It’s like we are all in some weird state of buffer. We’re not taking much action other than advancing the things around us. Things that may not even be all that important? We barely even show any reaction to the changes around us for fuck sake. No matter how many things change, we tend to remain in the same state.



p. wings

Fictional adventures inspired by your reality. Self-improvement gems occasionally.