Why Apple’s A12 chip indicates future Growth

2 min readNov 28, 2018


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

As Apple continues to innovate on the hardware side of things, the gap between laptop and tablet thins even more now that the A12 is being produced.

While the apps that run on this mobile computing architecture continue to be developed, soon x86, which is the architecture used in computers, will seem archaic.

A great example of this transformation is the optimization of Photoshop to work on the iPad. Now, users will have a near complete feature set to use on the go. We will no longer be tied to our desk, and instead will be able to create content anywhere we are. All with almost no lag…mic drop

PwrUsers, let me be clear: Mobile computing is the feature. Maybe it had to happen on the phone before we could even imagine it replacing computers, but imagine what Samsung, Google, and Amazon will try and cook up to compete with Apple.

The 7nm processors are looking more promising than ever with developers continuing to develop their apps to take advantage of the power these tiny processors can provide. Games like Fortnite can run at 60 FPS, which outperforms what some modern computers can do!

What do you think of how computing will evolve? Let me know in the comments below, or send me a tweet!




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