Packaging Python Project to Debian .deb Part 1

Umar Haruna Abdullahi
3 min readFeb 11, 2018


Source: Debian Packaging

Hi, Have you ever try to package your code/project to became .deb or in official Debian or Ubuntu Repository to share to the rest of the world?

I have been one of you, it took me about three (3) weeks to figure out how to do it, i will tell you how i have done it.

I will split this into two Tutorials because it is to large to be complete in one tutorial.


We will begging by writing a simple python script with we will be packaging it letter.

Create a project directory and go to the created directory.

$ mkdir project_name && cd project_name

Create another directory inside the project name and move to the newly directory.

$ mkdir tvb && cd tvb

Now create a for allowing the directory to be imported to python, and type our simple script.

$ cat > __init__.pyfrom __future__ import print_function
import argparse
print(‘The Virtual Brain imported!’)def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(‘text’, help=’Text to TVB-Neuropackage’)
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
print(‘This is the main function :)’)
args = parse_args()

No go back to our main directory and creat the tvb file.

$ cd .. && cat >!/usr/bin/env python
import tvb

Now we have to create a python setup script for local python install.

$ cat >!/usr/bin/pythonfrom setuptools import setup__author__ = ‘Your Full Name’setup(
description=’Simple Package(Example) for packaging Tvb to Debian’,
author=’Your Name’,
author_email=’Your Email’,
‘console_scripts’: [

Let us see our project files if you don’t have tree install you have to install it(optional) using $ sudo apt-get install -y tree && tree

Our Complete project with with files.

Let’s install our project and test it by running: $ python install

Our project being install.

Let’s try running it by calling it name: $ tvb hello_world

Wow Our project works.

That’s it See you in the Next tutorial for Starting installing the development tools for Debian Packaging.



Umar Haruna Abdullahi

GSoC 2018 Student of The Virtual Brain under INCF organisation