5 AI Innovative Prompts to Jump-Start Your New Business

5 min readApr 30, 2024


Yep, this is another article about AI. Everyone is talking about AI, even my hubby, who only does online shopping on Amazon… every day a box arrives… but that’s a different story. Listen up because this is coming from the most non-technical person I know. 😊

And I even find myself using AI EVERY SINGLE DAY, ALL DAY. I also create digital products, and AI cut production time by 73%.

Now I’m reading your mind — what does all this have to do with you starting your business?

….. Boy, are you at the right place at the right TIME!!!

You don’t want to skip a single word. I’m going to share some of the AI tools I use daily, and I’m going to share the Prompts… WAT!!!!

Even if you’re not familiar with prompts, no worries!

AI prompts are like driving — you don’t need to know the interworkings. All you need to know is to stick your key in the ignition, turn it, and get on down the road.

That being said, are you ready? Hold on to your hat…

“Let’s dive in!”

AI prompting What is it?

AI prompting is when you use artificial intelligence like Gemini or Chat to help you work more efficiently. It’s like having a digital assistant to do things for you. You give the AI a prompt, which is a brief description of what you want it to do, and the AI will use its knowledge and understanding of the world to generate a response.

For example…

Are you looking for new business ideas? Well, that’s where AI prompting comes in handy. Artificial intelligence can generate new ideas and content quickly and efficiently and it’s free.

First, you give the AI a prompt. Let’s say you need a new product idea for your business. Your prompt could be “Generate a list of innovative product ideas for the health and wellness industry.”

The AI will use its vast knowledge and understanding of the industry to generate a list of potential products you could create.

AI prompting can be a helpful tool for aspiring small business owners who need to generate creative content, like writers, designers, and marketers.

However, as the saying goes, “You get what you ask for,” if you give the AI a weak prompt, you’ll get a ‘weak’ response. So, your prompts must be on point.

To help you write good prompts for AI, here are some tips:

Insert descriptive language: Instead of just saying “Write a story about a beach,” try using descriptive language like “Paint a picture with words about the sound of waves crashing on the shore and the feel of sand between your toes.”

Use analogies or comparisons: Providing analogies or comparisons can help the AI understand what you want in a relatable way.

For example, instead of saying “Write a product description,” try “Imagine you’re describing this product to a friend who has never seen it before.”

Providing context: Specific context can help the AI understand ‘the big picture’.

For example, instead of saying “Write a blog post about marketing,” try “Write a blog post about how to improve marketing strategies for small businesses.”

Give specific examples: Great examples can help the AI understand exactly what you’re looking for.

For example, instead of saying “Write a recipe for a cake,” try “Write a recipe for a gluten-free, vegan chocolate cake with raspberry frosting.”

I am thrilled to tell you how AI can help you start your own business. With AI, you can optimize your workflow, increase productivity, and save time and money.

Here’s how...

# 1: Identify Your Nice

Identify Your Niche — Use Google Trends and SEMrush to find out what people are searching for, and which topics are popular. AI Software: SEMrush

Niche Prompts:

· “What are the most popular search queries in my niche?”

· “What are the common pain points my target audience faces?”

#2: Brainstorm Your Idea

Brainstorm Your Business Idea — Use AI-powered brainstorming tools like NameMesh to generate business names, and MindMeld to create ideas and solutions.

AI Software: NameMesh and MindMeld

Brainstorming Prompts:

· “What are some unique names for my business?”

· “What are some potential solutions to common problems in my niche?”

#3: Create a Business Plan

Create a Business Plan — Use AI-powered business planning tools like LivePlan to create a comprehensive business plan and financial projections. AI Software: LivePlan

Business Plan Prompts:

· “What should my business plan include?”

· “What are the projected costs and revenue for my business?”

#4 Legal Compliance

Legal Compliance — Use AI-powered legal tools like LawGeex to review and approve legal contracts and documents. AI Software: LawGeex

Legal Prompts:

· “Is my business compliant with all relevant regulations and laws?”

· “Are my legal documents accurate and complete?”

# 5: Marketing and Sales

Website Design and Development — Use AI-powered website builders like Wix to design and develop your business website. AI Software: Wix

Marketing Prompts:

· “What is the best website design for my business?”

· “What features should my website have?”

#6. SEO Prompts

Search Engine Optimization — Use AI-powered SEO tools like Moz to optimize your website and improve your search engine rankings. AI Software: Moz

SEO Prompts:

· “What are the best keywords for my business?”

· “How can I improve my website’s search engine rankings?”

#7. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing — Use AI-powered social media management tools like Hootsuite to manage and schedule your social media posts and campaigns. AI Software: Hootsuite

Social Media Marketing Prompts:

· “What are the best social media platforms for my business?”

· “How can I optimize my social media content for engagement and reach?”

So, there you have it! AI prompting can be a powerful tool to help you work smarter, not harder. Follow these tips and give clear prompts, and you’ll be on your way to generating high-quality content in no time!

Thank you for reading this article on how AI can help you start a business. As you can see, AI is a powerful tool that can help streamline your operations and boost your growth. But this is just the beginning.

We’ve created comprehensive guides on marketing to help online marketers increase business growth.

Our resource includes more prompts, real-world examples, and case studies to help you take your business to the next level. Get ready to put on your Boss Hat! With AI and other simple marketing tactics, the sky is the limit.

Click on the link to explore our free online resource! ..Marketing Resource

“The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy.” — Malcolm Forbes




PYtalkBiz is an online resource for small business owners. Which teaches easy duplicable systems to SMO's that help them to navigate the new digital world.