The #1 Myth to More TikTok Views, Likes, and Followers -Avoid this Trap

3 min readDec 15, 2021


TikTok best time to posting schedule

Everyone wants to know when is the best time to post on TikTok? Although knowing the best times to post is important, there are other factors to Tik-Tok success is like any marketing endeavor, there are many moving parts. That’s why we not only give details regarding when to post on TikTok but we also outline other pertinent info that can help you get ahead of the pack; No worries… keep reading Cause… we got you covered!

If you’re not a TikToker, after reading this article chances are you will be. WHY??? Because TikTok has 1B monthly active users. It’s currently the #1 social media platform. It has even beat out YouTube in watch time. I can go on and on, but I won’t, here. So, if you want to know when to post, which TikTok hashtags to use, how often to post on TikTok for business, or even better, uncover the worst time to post, stick and stay. Addedly, be sure to read through to the end where I share more head-turning facts, stats, and strategies!!!

How Does TikTok for Business Work

If you’re having a hard time convincing yourself to do or not to do TikTok… I wouldn’t recommend that. In life there are those things that we hate to do, maybe going to the dentist, colonoscopy, or etc. But we bite the bullet, because of what we may have to lose.

The advantages of TikTok for business are worth fighting for. People lie but numbers don’t. Hence, implementing a TikTok strategy for your small business is as important as oxygen is to be breathing.

Tik Tok has done all the heavy lifting for us. We only need to find our niche. According to research, TikTok users visit the app every SINGLE day. But not only do they visit daily they stay on the app for 45 minutes every day!!!!

Our jobs as content creators are to learn how to package our marketing to get our messaging, products, or services in front of our targeted tok-ing crowd.

Keep reading because we got some tips to share with you. I guarantee after reading this post you’ll know exactly which times to post and why you should use TikTok to grow your business.

Here’s the million-dollar question. But before answering it, keep in mind your success doesn’t start or end with knowing the best time. That’s just one piece of the puzzle. TikTok marketing is like baking a cake, if you leave out 1 ingredient you could have a sweet mess.

There are guidelines as to the recommended time to post. But the secret is in your specific analytics. However, if you’re familiar with Tiktok then you won’t have many analytics therefore this suggested blueprint will help you starting out.

Many of the top influencers suggest:

8:00- 10:30 am| 12:30- 2:00| 3:00- 6:30 pm|8:00–11:00 pm

How to Find your TikTok Analytics

#1 Go to TikTok app from the home page click on the + sign

#2. On the upper right side click on the 3 horizontal lines

#3. From settings and privacy, scroll down, click on Business suite

#4. Next click on Analytics

#5. Finally, click on content, followers or etc to view stats

Now it’s time to hear from you.

Let me know if you found this information useful?

Is TikTok right for your business?

Will you start making TikTok videos for your today?

Or do you not have enough info to get started?

For more info check out our Tiktok page.

Let me know in the comments now!




PY, 4 decades of exp. and one multiple six-figure business. She's studied giants like Jay Abraham & T. Harv Eke + now teaches others how to win in marketing.