Easy Fat Loss Solutions
3 min readSep 16, 2021


How to Get Rid of Love Handles and Prevent Weight Gain

Who said it was impossible to lose fat around the stomach? Or that it would take a ton of time and effort to get rid of love handles for good? People who struggle with love handles know that they need to take action to lose weight fast. If you are one of these people, then you need to know that it really is possible to get rid of love handles, even if it takes some time. This article will show you how to do just that!

get rid of love handles

The first thing you will need to do to get on track with your fat loss program is to add healthy diet and exercise into your daily routine. In other words, the best exercises to get rid of love handles involve a combination of cardio and strength training exercises, as well as proper diet. And the secret to maximizing your fat loss program: Just think of each workout as a full body movement.

Now, when I say that you should include all of these things into your routine for weight loss, I don’t mean that you should go from being a couch potato who eats whatever comes to mind, all the way to exercising five times a week and eating only vegetables and fruits. These things aren’t going to happen. You need to make sure that you find a healthy diet plan that includes things like lean protein, low GI carbs, plenty of water, adequate sleep, and a moderate amount of activity.

This is going to be easier said than done, so you need to consult a dietician or at least learn what your body type is so that you can devise a diet plan that allows you to lose the amount of fat you want while still maintaining muscle mass. There are many websites on the Internet that can help you do this. There are also books like The Truth About Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary and the Ultimate Diet Plan by John Barban. There are also many e-books and bodybuilding magazines out there that will help you learn how to reduce love handles.

Once you have your diet figured out, it is time to start working on how to get rid of love handles. One of the best ways to target the problem is to work on your metabolism. By raising your metabolism, you will burn more fat around your midsection. In fact, working on your metabolism alone may be enough to reduce your body composition by up to 4%.

Another way to target fat and lose body composition is to perform high intensity cardiovascular exercises like running or cycling. These types of activities burn a lot of calories, which makes it easier to reduce your body composition. Some women actually prefer cycling over jogging because they don’t get as tired. Either way, make sure that you are doing an intense workout at least twice a week.

To make sure that you are burning the right amount of calories, you should increase your fat burning cardio activity. There are a variety of ways to perform cardio workouts. One of the best is to combine high intensity cardiovascular activities with strength training to tone your muscles. For example, instead of jogging, you could start using weights to exercise your quads and give your legs a workout.

While it may not seem logical to say that genetics play a role in how to get rid of love handles, it is true. In fact, there is a gene (promoter genes) that causes some people to store more fat in their stomach than others. If your parents have a genetic predisposition for fat storage, chances are that you will as well. By taking steps to reduce your stress levels and by improving your nutrition, you can drastically reduce the amount of fat that stores up in your belly.

