Recruitment of qPocket Product Experience Officers

2 min readJun 10, 2019

Dear qPocket Users:

After six months of public testing and iterated more than ten versions of qPocket, we recently officially released the international version 3.2 of qPocket.

Over the past half year, we have devoted ourselves on developing qPocket into a one-stop service center with multi-asset, multi-function, and mass applications. At present, we have completed the support of three public chains: Ethereum, QuarkChain and Tron, and qPocket can support 3000+ decentralized applications (DApps). There will be more functions to be implemented in the future.

During the public beta period, nearly 70,000 users installed and used our products, and experienced a variety of functions in qPocket. They gave us plenty of feedback about optimization and improvement suggestions. Thank you all for the support!

In order to further improve the product, and collect constructive advice and suggestions about wallet function design in the future, we are now launching the qPocket Product Experience Officer Program, which is open to the whole community to recruit Product Experience Officers.

What is “qPocket Product Experience Officer” Program?

In order to have in-depth communication with first-tier users, collect more functional feedback and understand the deep needs of users, we are now launching the “qPocket Product Experience Officer” program.

Number of recruits in Phase I: 50 qPocket Product Experience Officers

Requirements: qPocket users, digital asset wallet enthusiasts, interested in the blockchain industry, product experience officer, product development and operation experience is preferred.

Job description:

  1. Try out products and give us advice or suggestions.
  2. Participate in user interviews from time to time and talk about the experience of using various digital assets products
  3. Share new ideas and games about wallet products


  • Having a priority to experience new features of qPocket.
  • In-depth communication with the production and research team to explore the future wallet function development;
  • May get digital asset awards.

How to Apply:

Fill out the following form, and we will invite the candidates to join after screening.





Weibo ID:




qPocket is secure mobile crypto wallet that supports QuarkChain, Ethereum and ERC20 tokens. DApp Store makes it easy to interact with decentralized applications