Exploring WordPress Juicy Endpoints: A Guide for Bug Bounty Hunters

Unveiling the Lesser-Known Paths to Uncover Vulnerabilities in WordPress

Qasim Mahmood Khalid
5 min readJun 20, 2023

WordPress, being one of the most popular content management systems (CMS), attracts both developers and hackers alike. While security measures have improved over the years, the platform still possesses a variety of endpoints that can be exploited if not properly secured. In this article, we’ll dive into the realm of WordPress's juicy endpoints, shedding light on lesser-known paths that bug bounty hunters and security enthusiasts can explore to uncover vulnerabilities. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together.

wp-admin.php: The Gateway to WordPress Administration

At the heart of WordPress lies the wp-admin.php file, granting access to the administrative area of a WordPress website. Here, we’ll explore the potential vulnerabilities that can arise from misconfigurations or weak security measures within the wp-admin.php endpoint.

wp-config.php: Unveiling Critical Configuration Details

The wp-config.php file contains essential configuration settings for a WordPress installation. We’ll delve into how accessing this file could expose sensitive information, leading to potential security breaches. Bug bounty hunters can use this knowledge to identify vulnerabilities related to configuration file exposure.

wp-content/uploads: Unraveling Potential File Upload Vulnerabilities

The wp-content/uploads directory serves as a storage location for various media files uploaded by users. However, it can also become a target for attackers looking to exploit file upload vulnerabilities. We’ll explore the risks associated with this directory and ways to ensure secure file uploads within WordPress.

wp-load.php: Understanding the Core Load Mechanism

The wp-load.php file plays a crucial role in initializing the WordPress environment. By gaining insights into this endpoint, we can uncover potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities related to the loading mechanism of WordPress core files.

wp-signup.php: Evaluating User Registration Vulnerabilities

User registration functionalities can introduce security risks if not properly implemented. By examining the wp-signup.php endpoint, we’ll analyze the potential vulnerabilities that may arise from user registration processes and explore best practices for securing user sign-up functionality.

wp-includes [directory]: Revealing Vulnerabilities in Core WordPress Files

The wp-includes directory contains essential core files of WordPress. Understanding the vulnerabilities that could arise from this directory is crucial for bug bounty hunters seeking to identify potential security flaws in the platform.

wp-login.php: Uncovering Weaknesses in the Login System

The wp-login.php endpoint serves as the entry point for WordPress login functionality. We’ll delve into the vulnerabilities associated with the login system, such as brute-force attacks, credential stuffing, and weaknesses in authentication mechanisms.

wp-cron.php: Examining Scheduled Tasks and Cron Vulnerabilities

The wp-cron.php file is responsible for executing scheduled tasks within WordPress. We’ll explore potential vulnerabilities related to the cron system, including misconfigurations, unauthorized access, and the impact of poorly implemented cron jobs on overall website security.

wp-mail.php: Analyzing Email Vulnerabilities and Exploits

The wp-mail.php endpoint handles email functionality within WordPress. We’ll discuss potential vulnerabilities associated with email settings, such as unauthorized email relays, email header injections, and ways to secure email functionality.

xmlrpc.php: Understanding XML-RPC Vulnerabilities

XML-RPC functionality allows remote access to WordPress, but it can also introduce security risks. We’ll explore the vulnerabilities associated with XML-RPC, including brute-force attacks, DDoS attacks, and potential security measures to mitigate these risks.

wp-links-opml.php: Examining OPML File Vulnerabilities

The wp-links-opml.php endpoint handles the export and import of link data in OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) format. We’ll discuss potential vulnerabilities related to this functionality, such as malicious file uploads or unauthorized access to link data.

wp-activate.php: Investigating Account Activation Vulnerabilities

The wp-activate.php endpoint is responsible for activating user accounts on a WordPress site. We’ll explore potential vulnerabilities associated with account activation processes, such as bypassing activation checks or exploiting weaknesses in the activation mechanism.

wp-blog-header.php: Analyzing the Core Blog Header Functionality

The wp-blog-header.php file is a vital component of WordPress that loads the necessary files and initializes the blog environment. By understanding this endpoint, we can identify potential vulnerabilities related to the blog header functionality and its impact on overall site security.

wp-links.php: Assessing Link Management Vulnerabilities

The wp-links.php endpoint handles the management and display of links within WordPress. We’ll delve into potential vulnerabilities that may arise from link management functionalities, including cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, SQL injections, or unauthorized link modifications.

wp-trackback.php: Uncovering Trackback Exploits

The wp-trackback.php endpoint facilitates the trackback functionality, allowing blogs to communicate with each other. We’ll explore potential vulnerabilities associated with trackbacks, such as spamming, denial-of-service attacks, or unauthorized trackback manipulations.

/wp-json/wp/v2/users: Analyzing User Data Exposure

The /wp-json/wp/v2/users endpoint provides access to user-related data via the WordPress REST API. We’ll discuss potential risks associated with user data exposure, including sensitive information leakage, unauthorized access to user profiles, or brute-force attacks on user accounts.

/wp-json/wp/v2/plugins: Assessing Plugin Information Leakage

The /wp-json/wp/v2/plugins endpoint reveals information about installed plugins through the WordPress REST API. We’ll explore the potential vulnerabilities that can arise from plugin information exposure, such as version disclosure, known vulnerabilities, or plugin enumeration attacks.

/wp-json/wp/v2/themes: Investigating Theme Details and Vulnerabilities

The /wp-json/wp/v2/themes endpoint provides information about installed themes via the WordPress REST API. We’ll analyze the potential vulnerabilities associated with theme details exposure, including version disclosure, theme-specific vulnerabilities, or unauthorized theme modifications.

/wp-json/wp/v2/comments: Evaluating Comment Manipulation Risks

The /wp-json/wp/v2/comments endpoint allows interaction with comments via the WordPress REST API. We’ll discuss potential vulnerabilities related to comment manipulation, such as comment spamming, cross-site scripting (XSS), or unauthorized comment modifications.

Here is a full list of the juicy End points of WordPress







wp-includes [directory]

















By examining these additional WordPress endpoints, you’ll expand your bug bounty-hunting arsenal and increase your chances of discovering valuable security vulnerabilities within the WordPress ecosystem. Remember to responsibly disclose any findings to the appropriate parties to contribute to a safer online environment. Happy hunting!



Qasim Mahmood Khalid

Software quality Assurance Engineer ,Bug Bounty ,Cyber Security ,Cloud computing