πŸ” Mastering Ffuf: Basic and Advanced Commands πŸ”

Unlocking Hidden Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing Techniques

Qasim Mahmood Khalid
3 min readSep 1, 2023

Ffuf link :https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf

Basic Ffuf Commands for Effective Fuzzing

1. Launching URL Fuzzing with Wordlists

Getting started with Ffuf is all about the basics. Learn how to initiate URL fuzzing using a wordlist

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u

πŸ”‘ Pro Tip: The β€˜FUZZ’ parameter acts as a dynamic placeholder for seamless fuzzing.

2. Refining Results with HTTP Status Code Filtering

Fine-tuning your results is key. Filter out unwanted HTTP status codes for cleaner insights:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u -fc 301

🎯 Advanced Filter: Elevate your exploration by combining filtering with recursion for in-depth subdirectory analysis:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u -fc 301 --recursion --recursion-depth 2

3. Unveiling Hidden Extensions Through Fuzzing

Dive into specialized file fuzzing with this command:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u "" -w extensions_list_location :EXT

πŸ“„ Extensions List Example: fuzzing with wordlist and extension β€˜php,bak,db’

4. Crafting Customized Ffuf Output

Control your results for enhanced clarity and analysis:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u -o output.txt

Advanced Ffuf Tactics for the Discerning Fuzzer

1. Fine-Tuning Headers for Covert Fuzzing

Elevate your fuzzing game by managing headers for stealthier exploration:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u www.google.com/FUZZ -H "User-Agent: your_user_agent"

πŸ›‘οΈ Pro Fuzzing Tip: Using this command Avoid server-side errors and logs with savvy header management.

2. Precision Filtering with Content-Length Control

Refine your results with surgical precision using content length filtering:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u www.google.com/FUZZ -H "User-Agent: your_user_agent" -fs 28

πŸ” Content Mastery: Using the -fs command Automate the removal of repetitive responses for a clearer view.

3. Custom Directory Brute Forcing for Targeted Insights

Forge your own path with directory-specific fuzzing, uncovering hidden gems:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u www.google.com/FUZZ -H "User-Agent: your_user_agent" -ac -acc /admin -acc/secret

🌐 Fuzz Terrain: Design your exploration path for targeted revelations.

4. Exploring Diverse File Extensions with Fuzzing

Expand your horizons by delving into extension-based fuzzing:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u www.google.com/FUZZ -H "User-Agent: your_user_agent" -e php,bak,db

πŸ”Œ Extension Magic: Fuzzing with various file extensions for a comprehensive exploration using.

5. Delicate Timing and Thread Management

Fine-tune your fuzzing adventure with deliberate timing and thread control:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u www.google.com/FUZZ -H "User-Agent: your_user_agent" -p '0.5-10' -t 100

⏳ Timing Strategy: Using -p command we add the time delay and use -t for multi-threading for efficient fuzzing.

6. Artful HTTP Code Filtering for Refined Results

Manage your HTTP code revelations with finesse:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u www.google.com/FUZZ -H "User-Agent: your_user_agent" -fc 404,500,501

🚫 Filter Codes: Using -fc command Exclude undesirable HTTP error codes from your results.

7. Parameter-Level Fuzzing 🌟

Dig deeper by targeting specific parameters within URLs, uncovering hidden vulnerabilities:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u 'www.target.com/?param1=FUZZ&param2=test' -fc 200

πŸ” Parameter Spotlight: Focus on particular parameters for more targeted fuzzing.

Character-Set-Based Enumeration Explained

Let’s say you’re targeting a login page where the username and password fields only accept lowercase letters and numbers. Instead of using a generic wordlist, you can create a character set that includes only lowercase letters and numbers.

Ffuf -w wordlist.txt -u http://example.com/login -X POST -d "username=FUZZ&password=test" -c 'a-z0-9

In this command -X POST: Specifies the HTTP request method as POST.-d "username=FUZZ&password=test": Defines the data to be sent in the POST request, with "FUZZ" as the placeholder for the payload.-c 'a-z0-9': This is where character-set-based enumeration comes into play. It tells Ffuf to use only lowercase letters (a to z) and numbers (0-9) for the "FUZZ" payload.

Structured Results with Output Mastery in JSON

Harness the power of structured output for in-depth analysis:

Ffuf -w wordlist_location -u www.google.com/FUZZ -H "User-Agent: your_user_agent" -o result.json

πŸ”— Data Blueprint: Save your results in a structured JSON format for seamless analysis.

Ffuf is your key to uncovering the secrets that lie beneath the digital surface. Get ready to revolutionize your web security approach and embrace the world of Ffuf with confidence! πŸ‘ΎπŸ›‘οΈ #WebSecurity #FfufMastery #CyberFuzzing #BugHunting #HackerInsights



Qasim Mahmood Khalid

Software quality Assurance Engineer ,Bug Bounty ,Cyber Security ,Cloud computing