Published inSlice and PulpMoonwalking Through MinefieldsA Designer’s framework for navigating the social complexity of redesign projectsJun 20, 2017Jun 20, 2017
Published inSlice and PulpMe, in conversation with Maurice CherryMaurice Cherry helped me reach a career milestone recently by inviting me to join him in conversation on his long running RevisionPath…Dec 12, 2016Dec 12, 2016
Published inSlice and PulpOffice Culture Reshaped by a UX DesignerYou know the deal with office culture. It’s always a little broken… broken but fixable.Jul 28, 20161Jul 28, 20161
Published inSlice and PulpA Long-a$$ List of UX Design Newsletters, Podcasts, Slack Communities, and InspirationUseful list of UX stuff online. [Updated Jun-2018]Apr 19, 2016Apr 19, 2016
Published inSlice and PulpCreating for the hell of itMaking no risk music and art in a 4-hour, Friday night sprint.Apr 9, 2016Apr 9, 2016
Published inSlice and PulpTurning Engineers into DJ’sThe hard road to implementing style guides and pattern librariesMar 14, 2016Mar 14, 2016
Published inSlice and PulpA Special MomentIt was a special moment when nothing happened.Feb 12, 20161Feb 12, 20161
Published inSlice and PulpFor GrandmaSunday mornings has always been our time.Jan 24, 2016Jan 24, 2016
Published inSlice and PulpMy Slow climb back from DJ BankruptcySpending €47.50 got me 1 turntable, 8 bangers, and a new beginningJan 6, 2016Jan 6, 2016
Published inSlice and PulpWhat motivates the developers and designers around you?One word: meaning.Dec 10, 2015Dec 10, 2015