Continuous Testing in Depth

5 min readOct 30, 2023


What is Continuous Testing?

Before delivering a new product, continuous testing offers input on business risks as soon as possible. It is an essential component of the software delivery pipeline. It gives businesses a more secure, automated solution to guarantee that applications continue to function properly in a challenging, quick-paced environment.

“Teams pass the project between them, with distinct development and quality assurance (QA) phases in traditional testing methodologies. Postponing project deadlines would be necessary to provide the QA team with enough time to ensure the highest quality.”

However, businesses today need software to be developed and delivered to users more quickly. The new software is more commercially viable than prior ones, making it more likely to present businesses with a chance to increase earnings. In a continuous DevOps process, we continuously move a release candidate (software change) from development through testing and deployment.

Collaboration amongst multiple stakeholders, such as the development team, DevOps team, QA team, and technical support team, is necessary for continuous testing.

How is CT Different?

The software was passed from one team to another for testing in the past. Development would come to a close, and QA would start. Because they wanted to ensure quality, the QA teams often wished they had more time and took their time when testing.

The term “continuous testing” describes a cycle of software testing that is ongoing or uninterrupted. In a continuous DevOps process, a software modification (release candidate) is provided, tested, and deployed without pause. In other words, the creation, testing, and deployment of software code occurs continually.

For example, developers execute automated unit tests against code that they check into a source code repository like Jenkins. If a build fails the tests, the system rejects it, and it sends notifications to the developers. After passing the testing, we send the builds to QA and performance servers for concurrent, thorough functional and load testing. If these tests are successful, we put the software into use.

The cycle of continuous development, integration, and deployment must include continuous testing.

Adoption Drivers: The Importance of Continuous Testing:-

Organizations anticipate quicker delivery of new capabilities as software has recently emerged as a critical business differentiator. To fulfill these demands for shorter delivery cycles, development teams have resorted to lean methodologies like Agile and DevOps. However, even after speeding up other parts of the delivery pipeline, companies frequently discover that their testing procedure keeps them from reaping the benefits of their initiative to accelerate the SDLC. Listed below are a few of them:

A change in the testing process has been brought about by Agile, DevOps, and Continuous Delivery. With these new development cycles, the outdated testing approaches — which mainly rely on manual testing and automated GUI tests that demand regular updating — cannot keep up. Even though these more modern methods of software development can shorten the iteration cycle, many businesses understand the need to improve their test automation techniques.

Although automated testing plays a crucial part in continuous delivery, managers often lack sufficient knowledge of the applications’ current risk level. If you want to ensure that you are properly communicating with business stakeholders about acceptable levels of risk, you must create your tests based on their tolerance for vulnerabilities such as security holes and performance problems. This approach may result in business leaders deeming a release candidate ready for release even if it has passed every test.

Teams will struggle to meet business objectives within today’s condensed delivery cycles without a coordinated end-to-end testing quality approach. Techniques like development testing, which focus on defect prevention, can ensure that we integrate quality into the final product. This makes the removal of risks at the end of each iteration quicker and less resource-intensive.

It is employed by organizations since they are aware of the issues produced by their traditional testing methods. They understand the increasing significance of software and realize that, given the escalating cost of software failure, they cannot afford to compromise on time, scope, or quality.

Continuous Testing & Testing Automation:-

Automated testing increases the pace at which you can complete jobs and also ensures consistency throughout your testing. It gives developers additional time for testing while allowing them to concentrate on more challenging, imaginative projects. You can perform many more tests using it than you could manually, which will save you a ton of time and work.

Contrarily, continuous testing is a quality assurance strategy that enhances product quality by leveraging feedback to test continuously throughout the development process. This strategy can make use of a variety of techniques and equipment, such as automation and monitoring. Don’t mistake data quantity for quality because continuous testing is about truthfulness; in order to take appropriate mitigation measures, you need clean, consolidated, and consistent data.

Continuous Testing vs Automated Testing:-

People frequently confuse automated testing and continuous testing because the software development realm often uses them together. However, it’s important to note that they play quite different roles in DevOps and Continuous Delivery.

Both automated testing and continuous testing significantly impact DevOps and Continuous Delivery, yet it’s important to note that neither one is necessary for the other. Regardless of your position, you can decide to carry out continuous testing or automated testing independently.

Challenges of Continuous Testing:-

Continuous testing makes continuous delivery (CD) possible. However, there are obstacles that must be surmounted:

Lack of Test Support in Software: When legacy products do not incorporate testability support, it becomes more challenging to perform continuous testing. Implementing costly testability features in these products undermines the effectiveness of continuous testing.

Lack of Standard Tools: Despite the absence of standards for continuous testing of many distinct products, teams typically use internal automation tools or frameworks that they do not properly document or maintain.. The testing team will now have to contend with difficulties with the tool or framework, which exacerbates their already difficult situation.

Inadequate Testing Infrastructure: To implement faster feedback loops, teams can utilize advanced tools, but they need to purchase additional test environments, maintain them, keep them up to date, and ensure their constant availability. However, these expenses are minimal when compared to the cost of subpar product quality. A corporate commitment to continuous testing is necessary, rather than making a half-hearted effort with inadequate infrastructure, which would only worsen the situation for your testers.

Scalability: Not every testing framework or tool scales identically. Slow test execution and the absence of support for large test suites can significantly hinder the goal of achieving continuous testing. These issues may not become immediately apparent; they only become evident when the test system becomes heavily loaded and when many tests are added to it.

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