Your Python Developer Journey & My New Website ❤

Rafeh Qazi
3 min readSep 15, 2017


So, I finally got done putting together my new website for your beautiful face.

This email will also address if any of you are having problems trying to login to any of my courses.

I want to get you to start thinking like a web developer. So, every reason I mention for why I switched my platforms…

Pay attention to it & start using it to think of how you can offer improvements when you start your journey on becoming a developer with Python.

The main thing people are lacking is NOT skill, it’s the vision of where they can offer help to others.

Instagram is not the most complicated app, it’s the idea/simplicity that makes it powerful & useful.

The same thing with Snapchat. It’s easy to use. Fun. Friendly. (Speaking of snapchat, add me there Rafeh1 to see my workout routines, diet, coding tips & more).

It was a lot of hard work but I think it’s the right decision.

Here are a few reasons for why we moved to our new platform (Kajabi)

  • All-in-One — Website & courses are all in one place (easier for you to access everything now. Before we had Squarespace for our website & Teachable for our courses & a janky thing in the middle that made them talk with each other.)
  • Beautiful — The UI (user interface) is better
  • Easy Analytics — Meaning I can easily track where you came from, how you signed up, where you are getting stuck in a course & more. This is useful so I can rapidly improve things for you.
  • Comments — With Teachable, after we got 15,000+ comments in our Learn Python course… It crashed our course. So, we had to disable comments. Now, you can comment again!
  • Capture Email — It allows you to capture emails from new users as well and easily give them something in return as a gift. This part here is very important in buidling an online business. It’s called lead generation. It’s how I am speaking with you right now. Before I had to use a third-party thing to do that, now it’s part of Kajabi.

Solve Real People’s Real Problems

There are also many other features/reasons why I chose this platform but I’ll stop here.

Here’s what I want you to understand. All of the platforms I just mentioned (Kajabi, Squarespace, Teachable) … They are all PROGRAMMED by someone.

They didn’t come out of thin air.

There was somebody who, just like you & I, learned to code by watching videos on YouTube, googling shit, solving coding challenges, and doing projects.

But, what made their platforms successful is not their cool ability to code. But rather their ability to understand what problems need to be solved for people to build their businesses.

Many people forget that they are building something for someone else… Not for themselves.

Kajabi developers had to solve the problem for someone who was looking to build a business, have a web presence, capture an audience, and sell an online product.

Squarespace solves the problem of someone who just wants it to be insanely easy to build a website.

Teachable solves the problem for someone who just wants to sell an online course with no non-sense.

Notice, their main reason for success was not writing the most epic code.

It was instead their insane focus on solving real people’s problems.

The better you become at seeing problems, the better you’ll become at being a developer & therefore you’ll get paid more.

Before I get to your challenge for today, I want to let you know that the new website is up & running at and for the OOP students your course is up on

Your challenge for today

Name 1 website & tell me what problem you could help solve or what you can add to make it better.

Comment below & let me know.

