What is QuickBooks Error H202 and How to Fix it?What is QuickBooks Error H202 and How to Fix it?

QB Help Hub
5 min readJun 19, 2024


What is QuickBooks Error H202 and How to Fix it?

What is QuickBooks Error H202 and How to Fix it?

In the world of financial management software, QuickBooks is a leading name. Its extensive features and user-friendly interface make it a go-to choice for businesses of all sizes. However, like any software, it’s not immune to errors. One common issue users encounter is QuickBooks Error H202. Understanding what this error entails and how to fix it can save time and prevent disruptions in your business operations.

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What is QuickBooks Error H202?

QuickBooks Error H202 typically occurs when you attempt to switch to multi-user mode, and the software cannot establish a connection to the company file located on another computer (the server). This error implies that QuickBooks needs some help connecting with the server or the host system.

The error message might look something like this:

“Error code: H202

This company file is on another computer, and QuickBooks needs some help connecting.”

Causes of QuickBooks Error H202

Several factors can contribute to QuickBooks Error H202. Understanding these can help in diagnosing the issue and finding an appropriate solution. Here are the common causes:

1. Incorrect Hosting Configuration: If the hosting settings on the server or the workstations are not configured correctly, it can lead to Error H202.

2. Blocked Ports: QuickBooks uses specific ports to communicate with the server. If these ports are blocked or not set up correctly, the software cannot establish a connection.

3. Damaged QuickBooks Database Server Manager: The Database Server Manager allows QuickBooks to share the company file with other systems on the network. If it is damaged, it can prevent access to the company file.

4. Network File Issues: Problems with the .ND (Network Data) file can also trigger Error H202. This file helps QuickBooks in managing access to the company file.

5. DNS Issues: Incorrect DNS settings can prevent QuickBooks from locating the server hosting the company file.

6. Firewall Settings: If your firewall settings are too strict, they can block the communication between QuickBooks and the server.

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How to Fix QuickBooks Error H202

Fixing QuickBooks Error H202 involves several steps. You may need to try multiple solutions to identify the one that resolves the issue in your specific case.

1. Check Hosting Settings

- On your server computer, open QuickBooks and go to File > Utilities.

- Ensure that “Host Multi-User Access” is selected. If you see “Stop Hosting Multi-User Access,” click on it and then click on “Host Multi-User Access.”

2. Use the QuickBooks File Doctor Tool

- Download and install the QuickBooks Tool Hub if you don’t have it already.

- Open QuickBooks Tool Hub and select “Company File Issues.”

- Click on “Run QuickBooks File Doctor.” This tool will help diagnose and fix common issues, including Error H202.

3. Verify Network Connectivity

- Open the Command Prompt (CMD) on the server and the workstations.

- Type “ping [Server Name]” (replace [Server Name] with the name of your server) and press Enter.

- If you receive a reply, your network connection is good. If not, check your network setup.

4. Check QuickBooks Services

- On your server, press Windows + R, type “services.msc,” and press Enter.

- Ensure that QuickBooksDBXX (XX represents your version) and QBCFMonitorService are running. Set their startup type to Automatic.

5. Configure Firewall Settings

- Ensure that your firewall is not blocking QuickBooks files. Open the Control Panel and navigate to System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.

  • Make sure QuickBooks and the relevant ports are allowed through the firewall.

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6. Configure DNS Settings

- Open the Network and Sharing Center on your server.

- Click on your network connection, then click on Properties.

- Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click Properties.

- Ensure that “Use the following DNS server addresses” is selected, and enter the correct DNS server addresses.

7. Create a New Folder for the Company File

- Create a new folder on the server for your QuickBooks company file.

- Copy the company file (.qbw) and the corresponding .tlg file to this new folder.

- Open QuickBooks, go to File > Open or Restore Company > Open a company file, and navigate to the new folder to open the file.

8. Edit the Windows Hosts File

- Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc.

- Open the hosts file in Notepad and add the IP address and server name of the host computer.

- Save the changes and try to switch to multi-user mode again.

Preventing Future Errors

Regular maintenance and proper configuration can prevent future occurrences of QuickBooks Error H202. Here are some tips:

- Regular Updates: Ensure that your QuickBooks software is always up to date. Intuit frequently releases updates that fix bugs and improve performance.

- Backup Your Data: Regularly back up your QuickBooks company file to prevent data loss.

- Network Monitoring: Regularly monitor your network to ensure all systems are communicating effectively.

  • Professional Support: Sometimes, the best course of action is to seek professional help. QB Help Hub offers comprehensive QuickBooks Desktop Support, including troubleshooting for issues like Error H202.

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Contact Us

For expert assistance with QuickBooks Error H202 or any other QuickBooks-related issues, reach out to QB Help Hub. Our team of professionals is ready to help you ensure smooth financial operations. Contact us at:

- Email: support@qbhelphub.com

- Phone: +1–800–413–3242


QuickBooks Error H202 can disrupt your business operations, but understanding its causes and knowing how to fix it can minimize downtime. By following the steps outlined above, you can resolve the error and restore multi-user mode functionality. For ongoing support and to prevent future issues, consider partnering with a reliable service provider like QB Help Hub. With our expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction, we can help you navigate any QuickBooks challenge with ease. Reach out to us at +1–800–413–3242 for immediate assistance.



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