I thought he was DEAD!

Shayne Murray
2 min readMay 31, 2016


It’s like that other sign of the glitch in the matrix the “Deja Vu”.

You know when hear something on the news about a personality and the strangest feeling comes over you as you struggle to remember when and where you were when you heard he or she died.

A ghost hunter named Fiona Broome has actually coined a meme that describes this effect. Fiona calls it “The Mandela Effect”.

Here’s a Google statistical report on the phrase “Is Nelson Mandela dead”.

In the timeline we are in now in he died on December 5, 2013 at age 95.

Yet notice the blips in history of interest before his actual death and the huge blip after it.

Then there was the nonsensical story of the deaf signer standing beside world leaders including President Obama at Nelson Mandela’s memorial who was outed by official sign language interpreter’s as being a fake.

The Limping Chicken, a leading UK news blog for the deaf, commented: ‘The ‘interpreter’ signed in a way I’ve never seen before, a strange repetitive rhythm to his movements — his signs appearing to come in threes or fours, occasionally swinging his shoulders, as if he was signing along with an intermittent beat.

I have theory and it’s also connected as to why the an agent of “The White Illuminati” creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto will never make an appearance.

You see the “Cabal or Dark Illuminati” who own the financial structures of this planet have a multi-national black hi-tech program that’s been running from before WW1.

They now have technology 40 years ahead of what we see today.

The Jewel in the crown of this technology is code named “Blank Slate” and it is time travel!!!

What they are doing is trying to stop their demise by sending agents back to assassinate key players in the arts, sciences, economic and political spheres who’s ideas contributed to their demise.

Now the problem is chaos theory and the “The Butterfly Effect” their quantum supercomputers they use to navigate back to the time lines requires such fine precision to get the correct Fourier manifold smart contract that maps the resultant changes that they need to place the equivalent of survey pegs at critical historic points on the public record.

They monitor these events for Quantum Decoherence. If that signer that used a sign language developed in another timeline suddenly starts to make sense to the deaf they will know they fucked up!

Thanks for reading my first post here I am a technical writer with a Zefram Cochrane messiah complex.

Check out my new website bigtoe.org I’ts a labour of love and I’ll keep adding to it when I’m not working on Qbitrex a Quantum computer that will run at Standard Temperature and Pressure.

I’m off now to buy tickets to the Australian leg of John Lennon’s World Peace Tour concert, hope to see you all there!

