The Tipping Point

7 min readMar 5, 2022


My intention with this Medium has always been to share some thoughts as an outlet from work and life in my spare time. To write freely about what I’m reading, doing and/or learning. But thus far, I have been unable to write about anything other than the SOLgods.

It’s hard not to.

We are witnessing something big. We are witnessing a community that is exponentially growing, attracting other strong communities. And much like professional sports, where athletes want to play for - and in - winning organizations, we’re witnessing community members wanting to invest in winning projects. With the SOLgods, we are witnessing a tipping point.

“With the SOLgods, we are witnessing a tipping point.”

Why is this the case? Why are the SOLgods at a tipping point? Well as the GODS say, “Slowly at first, then all at once.”

The SOLgods have been working. They have been building behind the scenes and they have been building on the front lines. The developers have been hard at work putting the necessary pieces in place for an upcoming IDO and long term tokenomics. The goal: A socially economic token with long term utility and real world value. In parallel, they have been scouring the web3 space on all fronts, positioning themselves for metaverse integration. The future is infinite and GODS envision themselves at the forefront of the next frontier.

Meanwhile, on the frontlines the community has seen immense growth, both in the connections between the members and the connections with other projects. Their “vibe” is contagious and their echo piloerection-inducing. Feats that cannot be attained without dedicated, personable leadership and a strong community backing.

Enigma V

The lore of the GODS is well documented yet a key tenet of the project lies in their Enigmas. An addicting and engaging mystery/conundrum/puzzle offered to the community, with the fifth and most recent version being rendered just weeks ago. Unintentionally — yet intentionally — frying the brains of a dozen+ community members for a week and a half, the enigma stayed true to form: entertaining, stimulating, and extremely challenging.

Again I participated. And again I walked away feeling like I obtained another degree from a post-secondary institution.

To recap briefly, this enigma was rendered in three parts: audio/video, a textless image, and a written transcript. Over a dozen participated, many fell deep into rabbit holes and with the help of some “teammates” (🧩 DAO), a winner was crowned. See below:

Enigma 5

The process: Identify key information hidden within multiple overlapping frequencies and waveforms via the audio/video as well as the clock on the image.

The information: Two sets of numbers revealed,

….. / .. — — / . — — . — — / -…. / . — — — — — / — … / . — — .. — — / ….- / . — — … — / — -.. / … — / . — — / — — . = 5 2 11 6 10 7 12 4 13 8 3 1 9

4 5 1 9 3 5 1 4 4 9 1 4 7 = 4 5 19 3 5 14 4 9 14 7 = D E S C E N D I N G

The strategy: Index the transcribed text from the audio/video (provided via clue # 3) according to the numbers from the morse code/clock. The thirteen words identified from the indexing were found to each have a different number of letters contained within (from 1 to 13). Bold letters were also found in the transcript and indexed according to their place in the alphabet. Utilizing this, a key letter from each of the original words were identified and placed in descending order in accordance with how they were found via the morse/clock. M E T A C H R O M A S I A was revealed.

Finally, a graph was also provided with the transcript and upon overlaying it on the text, P H A N T O M was also revealed.

Congratulations TrampolineKid! and team.

The Strategy — courtesy of community member TrampolineKid!



As you can see with the weekly chart below, said tipping point is near. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have demonstrated a rapidly, yet steadily, increasing floor price and a sharp decline in tokens listed. What you cannot see in the graphs below is the unique holder count being well on its way to 40% as well as increasing volumes of newcomers entering the discord. Multiple 30+ SOL sales have transacted, with an all time high (ATH) sale taking place on the day of this posting (75 SOL).

I, myself, have made significant purchases recently.

SolRadar analytics


Sol Legend, a key figure in the Solana ecosystem and recently in the New York Times, has been quite vocal about his conviction on the SOLgods and is a regular and active member of the discord. He was a recent youtube guest on Benzinga and regarding the GODS, had this to say:

“A fine art pfp. A super strong community, great art, metaverse integrations on the way. Everything about it is strong, and they’re advancing on all fronts. They’re going after web3 from every single angle… For NFTs (under $1000), SolGODS is my number one pick.”

Ecosystem Development

Perhaps the most bullish signal is the developers involvement in web3 as a whole. It would be easy to bury one’s head and focus solely on the project, but in the web3 space, a project can only be as good as its blockchain. Not only do the developers excitedly invest in other projects within Solana, but they are actively contributing to its growth as well. The team has attended conferences both virtually and worldwide with LHexe (founder) — former writer for Cointelegraph — actively educating the community and the public alike about Solana and web3.

Here is LHexe’s thread on “Building in Uncharted Waters”

History doesn’t always repeat itself, but it often rhymes. This is a sentiment that is often chucked around, but is something I find unhelpful. Web3, NFTs and digital identities are entirely novel. There are no previous models.

With no previous model, there can be no objective predictions. It is not useful to listen to those consistently flexing overconfidence. The blind leading the blind has never proved to be a reliable strategy. So with this considered, with what rationale do we build with?

It is simple. It is also important that we do not overcomplicate it. There are reoccurring themes from the ‘traditional’ world that are objectively harmful. That concepts in web3 look to ‘solve’.

Centralisation of Scientific Consensus. (Most important to me) Evidence is an increasingly irrelevant variable in what traditional media deems to be ‘true’. Your influence is more important than your data. This social commentary is echoed brilliantly in ‘Dont Look Up’.

- Centralisation and _control_ of wealth in the hands of an unreliable governing bodies.

- Overweighted social valuation of physical aesthetics and virtue signalling.

- Echo Chambers / Curated Content for an ever narrowing scope of holistic information

Enter our proposed solution. An _objective_ and largely _anonymous_ movement with no central governing body. Entirely independent individuals who have had every irrelevant characteristic about themselves (age, gender, financial status) boiled away. This is a powerful model.

This is our rationale. The very fact there is no history to make predictions off is what makes our world so special. This is an entirely new proposed ethos for society.

- True Independence

- Decoupling from our physical selves

- Decentralisation in favour of objectivity

To be frank, its a damn shame this space is so financially lucrative. This is our barrier to our rationale being recognised. This is also why I do not aim to look up for another five years. Price is not important for now.

Our best chance of mass adoption does not come 1000x degen gains. It comes from our ability to appropriately demonstrate the philosophy of this movement in an entirely organic way.

This is why I choose to build here. Not because of the bull-run, not because of wen lambo. Because this is our last chance at retaining any form of dignified existence in an increasingly irrational, harmful and over-commercialised traditional world.

None of this is certain, and this could all go to zero… but jfc is the leap of faith worth it.

True pioneers always keep their ears to the ground and their feet moving.

The (Near) Future

Finally, excitement lacking substance is artificial hype. Excitement with a strong foundation and scaleable tangibles is momentum. Hype fades and momentum advances. As mentioned several times above, the team is building on all fronts. Near completion is the arrival of The Bridged, the second of the three factions of project. On the surface level, The Bridged is a collection of NFTs released and airdropped to all holders of SOLgods. But on a deeper level, it will be a significant component to the advancement of the GODS.

Integrated with the upcoming $GOD token, the project will progress to a social and gamified conglomerate that will see its members fully immersed in competitions, mini-games and quests ensuring long-term stability and growth built upon its already solid foundation. That said, innovation and adaptation are strong points of this development team and as such, as the space grows, so will the project.

More information on the upcoming developments can be found here.

The Tipping Point

We are witnessing a project develop in real-time. We are witnessing a strong foundation continually being poured. We are witnessing a reach being extended to both newcomers and established communities alike. We are witnessing a connection amongst a community paralleled only by that of winning organizations and family.

We are witnessing a tipping point.

