Guide to Quantum Networking, QEC & QML


This blog is geared toward quantum computing buffs who already have some familiarity with the field and want to explore different sub-fields in detail. This blog comprises a list of resources that can help you in getting started in the domains of Quantum Networking & Internet, Quantum Error Correction (QEC), and Quantum Machine Learning (QML).

Section 1: Quantum Internet

(1.1) Prerequisites:
A basic understanding of quantum computing along with knowledge about quantum links, Bell basis measurements, entanglement swapping, and purification is necessary to get started.

(1.2) Going deeper:
To go deeper into the domain one can use the following resources.

(1.3) Knowing about Devices and Simulators:
To know about protocol design, software architecture and devices involved in quantum networking, refer to the following.

Section 2: Quantum Error Correction

(1.1) Prerequisites:
To understand the techniques and codes used in quantum error correction, a basic understanding of quantum computing, quantum circuits, Bell basis measurement and linear algebra is necessary.

(1.2) Going Deeper:
To get a more mathematical overview of the error-correcting codes one can use the following resources:

Section 3: Quantum Machine Learning

(1.1) Prerequisites:
For understanding Quantum Machine Learning, basic knowledge about quantum circuits and gates is required as well as some basic understanding of machine learning.

  • A good theoretical introduction is given in the edX course by Dr. Peter Wittek.
  • For hands-on coding and implementation of basic Quantum Machine Learning algorithms follow optimization and QML tutorials by PennyLane.

(1.2) Going Deeper:
To understand more about Quantum Machine Learning, one can refer to the following resources:

There are many other wonderful resources out there that the reader might find interesting. So we suggest after gaining some understanding, explore the domains on your own to go even deeper.

Written by — Tanmay Sarkar and Tanya Garg.

