The Book

Qedric James
3 min readMay 19, 2023

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; for the Lord your God has prepared a way for you”

She closed The Book with a clap, startling herself above the cacophonic symphony of insects and night creatures around her tent. She froze, listening for any change in tempo or sign that her snap of The Book might somehow have awoken some jungle menace. Images of jaguars and anacondas flashed through her mind before she caught herself, remembering what she'd been taught and told by the villagers, and what she’d seen herself already. She was safe enough in her tent. Her mind feverishly repeated the verse that had hit her, like a message from God - not “like”… actually, a message from God, all those months ago, that had set all this in motion.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous…”

She grew calm and remembered to thank the Lord for blessing her with the support from her church who not only funded the entire expedition, but had sent her on survival training, orienteering courses, first aid, and even specialised training in communication & linguistics. She'd learned so much in the last few months, because they believed in her. She could do this, because this was God's tailor-made plan for her. She prayed also, for the lost souls in the jungle; prayed that she would find a way, that The Lord would show her the way, to lead them to the light, and to redemption.


The young child sang, attempting a whistle, in a confused melody, mixing the phrases from various…



Qedric James

I love the way words work, they tangle up and flow and create rhythm, but they can also, almost magically, express literally anything.