Personal Update 2 (2023)

Koltin Scott
4 min readOct 14, 2023
Photo by Handiwork NYC on Unsplash

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind personally. I was able to move out without any real hiccups it was just all a big hurdle in itself per se. While I don’t talk about it much, I am very… shall we say “evangelical” or “zealous in my faith”. So, when the church wants to have church six times a week – literally – I do it. Even if I’m moving or not. However, speaking of whirlwind…

We were having a tent revival, and despite some saying that’s old school and rather gauche we’ve had results. Despite the tornado nearly killing us, we had visitors come back! Needless to say, we couldn’t continue under the tent, but we continued on in revival in the home church.

The “day job” is going well, I was called out to a truck wreck and cleaned that up. Other than that, I just run parts and listen to my podcasts. This is where I do much of my research and if I’m waiting for someone to get what I need I can write on my phone or do my daily Bible reading (if I don’t game like everyone else).

Then Israel happened, and I released my little roundup of over 10-hours of pods trying to figure out what’s going on. Tim Pool has come to a similar conclusion as I when hearing how the Left & Right both know Hamas uses civilians as pawns and targets civi’s, how Hamas says as much as well, the hard Left celebrates civi’s being targets, and yeah Israel says so too. So, the appropriate non-emotional response would be that Hamas blatantly violated International Law and the Geneva Convention against Israel and Israel should be their judge, jury, and executioner. Just finished a pod minutes ago where the host played Hamas footage of Hamas digging up their water pipes and fashioning them into homemade IED’s/missiles. So that’s why they don’t have running water despite an aquifer being directly under them. No excuses.

Others on Substack have argued that Hamas is the baby of BB or Massad but this sounds like Scooby-Doo political thriller stuff to me; a bonafide Left-wing conspiracy theory. (Also, richly hypocritical.) Even so, if that could be proven, it’s not Israel’s fault but their leaders that would need impeachment, removal, and trial. Not the removal of 12 million people with nowhere else to go in the favor of 2 million with the entire Arab world next door. There’s a reason why no one will take them in, we’ve recently seen why they were locked in their de facto prison and it’s not because they’re peaceful.

Enough about that though, my girlfriend is coming down next week so I’m excited for that! Plan on proposing to her sometime soon. My short story still hasn’t been confirmed or denied yet; the close date for entries is the 22nd so I should know around then. I will be releasing that on my Substack. Today, I’m hoping to write a little article; the FBI series is on the backburner just for today.

Behind the scenes I’m planning/procrastinating on gathering together all my articles from the year and publishing them in a book before the elections. Information is power, and I want everyone to know the truth. Not “my truth”, but the truth. The Right said that the Left would run this country into the ground and that appears to be the truth. The Right said that the Left were the Antisemitic ones and now the Left cries “Gas the Jews” in Australia. I could go on and on for an entire book.

Thanks for subscribing/following! If you want to support me, you can go to my Substack here (or else). Comment and rub my ego, for or against it, I’ll write either way. Or be stupid, I write about that in politics all the time. Thanks again! Now, how to start that little article…



Koltin Scott

I’m a highly functioning Aspergian with a dream for writing. Agreeing to disagree is possibly an identity trait of mine with the general consensus of society.