Understanding kaldi recipes with mini-librispeech example (part 1 — HMM models)

Qianhui Wan
7 min readSep 3, 2019


This note provides a high-level understanding of how kaldi recipe scripts work, with the hope that people with little experience in shell scripts (like me) can save some time learning kaldi.

Mini-librispeech is a small subset of LibriSpeech corpus which consists of audio book reading speech. We will go through each step in kaldi/egs/mini_librispeech/s5/run.sh.

Parameters and environment setup

# Change this location to somewhere where you want to put the data.
# Specifiy where you want to store audio and language model data.
# Specify the url for downloading audio data.
# Specify the url for downloading vocabulary, lexicon and pre-trained language model (trained on LibriSpeech).
# Run script cmd.sh, you need to change queue.pl to run.pl if GridEngine is not installed.
. ./cmd.sh
# Run script path.sh which adds all kaldi executable dependencies to your environment path. This is required every time you start a new terminal, and it can avoided by adding all paths in your .bashrc.
. ./path.sh
# Set which stage this script is on, you can set it to the stage number that has already been executed to avoid running the same command repeatedly.
# Enable argument parsing to kaldi scripts (e.g. ./run.sh --stage 2 sets variable stageto 2).
. utils/parse_options.sh
# Make the scripts exit safely when encountering an error.
set -euo pipefail
# Create the data folder (./corpus/ in this case) if it doesn’t exist already.
mkdir -p $data


Each kaldi recipe consists of multiple stages, which can be spotted with the following syntax:

if [ $stage -le x ]; then

which simply means run the commands in this block if stage is less than or equal to number x. I personally like to change -le to eq (which means equal) so that I can run the recipe step by step.

stage is set to 0 by default, which means the recipe will run all blocks. If you encounter an error, you can check which stages are successfully passes and re-run the recipe by ./run.sh --stage x.

Stage 0: data fetching

for part in dev-clean-2 train-clean-5; do
/download_and_untar.sh $data $data_url $part

Download dev-clean-2 (dev set) and train-clean-5 (train set) from the url specified before to ./corpus/ and unzip them. You can check the files in ./corpus/ folder after running.

local/download_lm.sh $lm_url $data data/local/lm

Downloads the pre-trained language model to ./corpus/ then makes a soft link to data/local/lm.

The files that are downloaded are:

  • 3-gram.arpa.gz, trigram arpa LM.
  • 3-gram.pruned.1e-7.arpa.gz, pruned (with threshold 1e-7) trigram arpa LM.
  • 3-gram.pruned.3e-7.arpa.gz, pruned (with threshold 3e-7) trigram arpa LM.
  • librispeech-vocab.txt, 200K word vocabulary for the LM.
  • librispeech-lexicon.txt, pronunciations, some of which G2P auto-generated, for all words in the vocabulary.

Stage 1: data preparing and LM training

for part in dev-clean-2 train-clean-5; do
# use underscore-separated names in data directories.
local/data_prep.sh $data/LibriSpeech/$part data/$(echo $part | sed s/-/_/g)

Create all files that are needed for kaldi training (see here for more details on data preparation). Normally each kaldi recipe comes with a different data preparation script, they creates same files for different dataset. If you want to train a model with your own dataset, you will need to write your own data preparation script that gives you the right kaldi-style data files.

If you check data/train_clean_5 after finishing the above commands, you will see the following text files:

  • wav.scp, maps wav files to their paths (with some audio processing commands sometime).
  • utt2spk, maps utterances to their speaker, when speaker information is unknown, we treat each utterance as a new speaker.
  • spk2utt, maps speakers to the utterances spoken by them.
  • text, maps recordings to their transcribed text.
  • spk2gender, maps speakers to their genders.
  • utt2dur, maps utterances to their durations.
  • utt2num_frames, maps utterances to their number of frames.

Each data set (train, dev, test) should have their own set of files. Among these files, wav.scp, utt2spk, spk2utt and text are essential for building any kaldi models.

local/prepare_dict.sh --stage 3 --nj 30 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/local/lm data/local/lm data/local/dict_nosp

‘nosp’ refers to the dictionary before silence probabilities and pronunciation.

Generate silence phones, non-silence phones and optional silence phones. Generated files are as follows:

  • extra_questions.txt, list of extra questions which will be included in addition to the automatically generated questions for decision trees.
  • lexicon.txt, sorted lexicon with some additional silence phones.
  • lexiconp.txt, lexicon with pronunciation probabilities.
  • lexicon_raw_nosil.txt, the same lexicon.
  • nonsilence_phones.txt, list of non-silence phones.
  • optional_silence.txt, list of optional silence phones.
  • silence_phones.txt, list of silence phones. More detailed explanation can be found here.
utils/prepare_lang.sh data/local/dict_nosp \
"<UNK>" data/local/lang_tmp_nosp data/lang_nosp

This prepares the lang directory with the following files:

  • L.fst, FST form of lexicon.
  • L_disambig.fst, L.fst but including the disambiguation symbols.
  • oov.int, mapped integer of out-of-vocabulary words.
  • oov.txt, out-of-vocabulary words.
  • phones.txt, maps phones with integers.
  • topo, the topology of the HMMs we use.
  • words.txt, maps words with integers.
  • phones/, specifies varies things about the phone set.
local/format_lms.sh --src-dir data/lang_nosp data/local/lm

Use data/lang_nosp/word.txt format two pruned arpa LMs to G.fst in data/lang_nosp_test_tgmed and data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall.

utils/build_const_arpa_lm.sh data/local/lm/lm_tglarge.arpa.gz \
data/lang_nosp data/lang_nosp_test_tglarge

Create ConstArpaLm format language model ( G.carpa ) from the full 3-gram arpa LM.

Stage 2: MFCC extraction

mfccdir=mfcc specifies where to store the extracted MFCCs.

for part in dev_clean_2 train_clean_5; do
steps/make_mfcc.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 data/$part exp/make_mfcc/$part $mfccdir
steps/compute_cmvn_stats.sh data/$part exp/make_mfcc/$part $mfccdir

Extract MFCCs and computes CMVN stats from data/dev_clean_2 and data/train_clean_5 to mfcc using 10 parallel jobs. Logs can be found in exp/make_mfcc, they are what you are going to check if something goes wrong.

# Get the shortest 500 utterances first because those are more likely
# to have accurate alignments.
utils/subset_data_dir.sh --shortest data/train_clean_5 500 data/train_500short

Create a data subset of the shortest 500 utterances. We are not copying any MFCC here, if you look into data/train_500short you can find a feat.scp that maps the utterances to where their MFCCs are stored.

Stage 3: monophone training

steps/train_mono.sh --boost-silence 1.25 --nj 5 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/train_500short data/lang_nosp exp/mono

Train a monophone system using the shortest 500 utterances and the LM trained before, the trained model and logs can be found in exp/mono. --boost-silence 1.25 sets the factor by which to boost silence likelihoods in alignment to 1.25. -nj 5 sets the number of parallel jobs to 5.

utils/mkgraph.sh data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall \
exp/mono exp/mono/graph_nosp_tgsmall
for test in dev_clean_2; do
steps/decode.sh --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" exp/mono/graph_nosp_tgsmall \
data/$test exp/mono/decode_nosp_tgsmall_$test

Create the final graph ( HCLG.fst model ) and decodes data/dev_clean_2 using the graph. You can find WERs in exp/mono/decode_nosp_tgsmall_dev_clean_2.

In mini_librispeech recipe each training stage (monophone, triphone, dnn etc.) comes with a decoding step, you can comment them out if you don’t want to decode with certain models since it takes some time. But it is a good practice to see improvements when the model gets more complicated.

As you can see in exp/mono/decode_nosp_tgsmall_dev_clean_2, there are more than one WER file (e.g. wer_10_0.5). This is because steps/decode.sh calls local/score.sh where we play with some scoring parameters to get the best WER.

In the example of wer_10_0.5, 10 is the LM-weight for lattice rescoring, 0.5 is the word insertion penalty factor.

steps/align_si.sh --boost-silence 1.25 --nj 5 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/train_clean_5 data/lang_nosp exp/mono exp/mono_ali_train_clean_5

Compute the training alignments using the monophone model.

Stage 4: delta + delta-delta triphone training

steps/train_deltas.sh --boost-silence 1.25 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
2000 10000 data/train_clean_5 data/lang_nosp exp/mono_ali_train_clean_5 exp/tri1

Train a triphone model with MFCC + delta + delta-delta features, using the training alignments generated in Stage 3.

I will skip the decoding commands here.

steps/align_si.sh --nj 5 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/train_clean_5 data/lang_nosp exp/tri1 exp/tri1_ali_train_clean_5

Compute the training alignments using the triphone model.

Stage 5: LDA + MLLT triphone training

steps/train_lda_mllt.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" \
--splice-opts "--left-context=3 --right-context=3" 2500 15000 \
data/train_clean_5 data/lang_nosp exp/tri1_ali_train_clean_5 exp/tri2b

Train a triphone model with LDA and MLLT feature transforms, using the training alignments generated in Stage 4.

steps/align_si.sh  --nj 5 --cmd "$train_cmd" --use-graphs true \
data/train_clean_5 data/lang_nosp exp/tri2b exp/tri2b_ali_train_clean_5

Again, compute the training alignments using the newly trained triphone model.

Stage 6: LDA + MLLT + SAT triphone training

steps/train_sat.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" 2500 15000 \
data/train_clean_5 data/lang_nosp exp/tri2b_ali_train_clean_5 exp/tri3b

Train a triphone model with Speaker Adaptation Training, using the training alignments generated in Stage 5.

Stage 7: re-create language model and compute the alignments from SAT model

steps/get_prons.sh --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/train_clean_5 data/lang_nosp exp/tri3b

There are several things happen in this command:

  • Linear lattices (single path) are generated for each utterance in train_clean_5 using the latest alignment and LM.
  • A bunch of pron.x.gz is created with the format of
<utterance-id> <begin-frame> <num-frames> <word> <phone1> <phone2> … <phoneN>
  • Get pron_counts_nowb.txt which contains the counts of pronunciations (generated by aligning training data, not from the original text).
utils/dict_dir_add_pronprobs.sh --max-normalize true \
data/local/dict_nosp \
exp/tri3b/pron_counts_nowb.txt exp/tri3b/sil_counts_nowb.txt \
exp/tri3b/pron_bigram_counts_nowb.txt data/local/dict

Take the pronunciation counts and create a modified dictionary directory with pronunciation probabilities.

utils/prepare_lang.sh data/local/dict \
"<UNK>" data/local/lang_tmp data/lang

local/format_lms.sh --src-dir data/lang data/local/lm

utils/build_const_arpa_lm.sh \
data/local/lm/lm_tglarge.arpa.gz data/lang data/lang_test_tglarge

Then we build a new ConstArpa LM with the new dictionary.

steps/align_fmllr.sh --nj 5 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/train_clean_5 data/lang exp/tri3b exp/tri3b_ali_train_clean_5

Compute the training alignments using the SAT model and new L.fst.

Stage 8: generating graphs and decoding

utils/mkgraph.sh data/lang_test_tgsmall \
exp/tri3b exp/tri3b/graph_tgsmall

Create the final graph (HCLG.fst model) with the small trigram LM.

steps/decode_fmllr.sh --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" \
exp/tri3b/graph_tgsmall data/$test \

Decode test set using the SAT model and the small trigram LM, WERs can be found at exp/tri3b/decode_tgsmall_dev_clean_2.

steps/lmrescore.sh --cmd "$decode_cmd" data/lang_test_{tgsmall,tgmed} \
data/$test exp/tri3b/decode_{tgsmall,tgmed}_$test

Re-score decoded lattice ( exp/tri3b/decode_tgsmall_dev_clean_2 ) with medium trigram LM, lattices and WERs after re-scoring can be found at exp/tri3b/decode_tgmed_dev_clean_2.

steps/lmrescore_const_arpa.sh \
--cmd "$decode_cmd" data/lang_test_{tgsmall,tglarge} \
data/$test exp/tri3b/decode_{tgsmall,tglarge}_$test

Re-score decoded lattice ( exp/tri3b/decode_tgmed_dev_clean_2 ) with large ConstArpa LM, lattices and WERs after re-scoring can be found at exp/tri3b/decode_tglarge_dev_clean_2.

You can see the WER improvements from exp/mono/decode_nosp_tgsmall_dev_clean_2 to exp/tri3b/decode_tglarge_dev_clean_2

Stage 9: DNN training

I’ll leave this to another note. Thank you for reading through :)!



Qianhui Wan

Machine Learning | Speech Recognition | Data Science