Get to know about Islamic Religion and their Believe

Aasim khan
3 min readMar 19, 2018


Question: What is Islam and what do the followers of Islam believe in?

Answer: Islam is a religious system that started in the seventh century by Muhammad. The followers of Islamic religion is known as Muslims, and they follow the teachings of Quran and strives to keep the five pillars of Islam.

Evolution of Islamic Religion

In the seventh century, Muhammad declared that angel Gabriel came to him. Meanwhile, at this angelic visitation which continued for 23 years until Muhammad’s death the angel confessed to Muhammad the words of Allah which is the name of ‘God’ usually taken by Muslims. The word Muslim means “One who submits themselves to Allah” and the word Islam means “submission” and is derived from the root which means “peace.”

Five Pillars of Islam

Five faith pillars compose the base of the obedience to Islamic religion:

  • The testimony of faith (Shahada): “la ilaha illa allah. Muhammad rasul Allah.” This quotation means “There is no diety but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” The Shahada shows that a Muslim believes that Allah alone as the diety and relies on Muhammad reveals Allah.
  • Prayer (Salat): Five constant prayers must be offered on a daily basis.
  • Giving (Zakat): This is the charity where a certain percentage of the salary is donated annually.
  • Fasting (Sawm): Muslims keeps fast in Ramadan month which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. In this month, they should not eat or drink from dawn till dusk.
  • Pilgrimage (Hajj): If it is possible financially or physically, Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Mecca which is located in Saudi Arabia at least once in their lifetime. Along with this, Hajj should be performed in the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.

Doctrine of Islam

Muslims outlines the principles of faith in six articles:

  • Belief in one Allah: In the Islamic religion, Muslims believes that Allah is one, eternal, creator and sovereign.
  • Belief in Angels.
  • Belief in the prophets: The prophets include the biblical prophets, but it closes with the Muhammad as Allah’s final prophet.
  • Belief in the discovery of Allah: The followers of Islamic religion accepts substantial portions of Bible such as Torah and Gospels. They also admit that Quran is pre-existence, perfect word of Allah.
  • Should have faith in the last day of judgment and hereafter: Every Islamic follower will be revived for the judgment day and will be sent to paradise or hell.
  • Belief in predestination: Muslims believe Allah has imposed everything that will happen in the future. Muslims testifies the sovereignty of Allah with a frequently used phrase “Inshallah” which means “If God Wills.”

Muslims also believes that after death paradise is earned through keeping the five pillars of Islam. The Bible, in contrast, discovers the sinful man can never calculate up to the holy God. Only by God’s grace may sinners be saved through the faith in Jesus.

In Ramadan month, Muslims fasts from dawn to dusk, and there are several apps available which assist Muslims in better ways. One of the most liked apps is Muslim Athan which is best for getting the accurate prayer time, Qibla finder, Islamic calendar and Mosque finder. Download the app for Free:

