What it’s like to launch a newsletter on Substack

Qin Xie (谢琴)
5 min readMay 21, 2020

Last night, I launched a newsletter on Substack: Money Talk, on the highs and lows of personal finance.

It’s the first time I’ve ventured into writing about money in more than a decade as a journalist — you may have seen my byline in food and travel articles for CNN, Lonely Planet, The Independent, and many others in the past.

In my first post and mailout — sent to a small selection of close friends, colleagues and PRs I’ve worked with during my career — I detailed some of the reasons behind my decision to pivot so far from my normal beat.

Here, I’m going to discuss what that process was like.

Why a newsletter

I’ve been thinking about newsletters as a medium for a while, having seen some excellent ones out there. Sian Meades-Williams’ Freelance Writing Jobs comes to mind, but there are many other brilliant ones.

Several things put me off.

First, I already have a couple of blogs (In Pursuit of Food and Culture Explorer, if you’re interested), now largely neglected because I simply don’t have the time to write more than a couple of times a year outside the day job. How is a newsletter any different?

Second, newsletters feel weirdly retro. They’re like the dinosaurs of the 90s that people automatically banish to spam. So will anyone actually want to read mine?



Qin Xie (谢琴)

Journalist and editor specialising in food and travel. Personal finance at Money Talk (heymoneytalk.co.uk). Find me @qinxiesays