Post 4 — Love at First Sight

Quynh Lac
4 min readApr 15, 2019


Taken from John Chapple For SUN ONLINE

Introducing Harmony

Meet Harmony, the world’s first realistic AI sex robot. In the Youtube video titled “Meet Harmony The Sex Robot | Slutever,” uploaded by user VICELAND, a VICE reporter visited Matt McMullen, CEO and Founder of RealDoll X, a company specialized in building artificial intelligence companions. The video began with the reporter approaching the robot saying “Is this Harmony?” and the robot responded by opening her eyes and saying “I was thinking about you, how are you?” McMullen responded with “I’m well, how are you?” and the robot responded like any other human would. The reporter said the encounter with the robot and McMullen was going well and better than she expected in which McMullen replied with “We get that alot.”

Throughout the video, McMullen explained to the VICE reporter that their company is focusing on developing an AI robot that is responsive in ways other than sex. Before watching this video, I thought people interested in having sex with robots, a non-living thing, were odd. After this video, McMullen has shown me a different side of his story. The robots he is trying to perfect is more than just a robot; it is a companion that has the ability to respond and hold a conversation like any other human and many people are utilizing these dolls with all seriousness. He said people get the “uncanny value” of sex robots from programmers who try to make robots identical to real life women. He understands this is why people are skeptical about sex robots which is why he programmed his creations to resemble women but still keep the typical characteristic of a robot.

Should We Rethink?

The first reason why I began to rethink my original ideas is because of the robot’s individualism. To advance the robot’s artificial intelligence, McMullen designed an app to allow users to “create a unique personality by choosing personality trait and assigning value to those traits — so some trait will be more dominant than others and then they can tailor the voice to their liking and then they can start talking — and over time the AI can start to know you and will ask you questions about your likes and dislikes and those information will be stored permanently. She will be able to recall what your favorite food and movie is.” In other words, McMullen is trying to create a realistic robot with human features that can act and response like humans can. Because it has human personality traits, it allows people to communicate with an inanimate object that does not feel like an inanimate object. This is one reason why I began to see why sex dolls such as Harmony are beginning to gain popularity. Not only can you have sex with it, but you can also communicate and it remembers things you say. Even though it still has characteristics of a robot, it can smile and remember little things you say. I began to think it’s acceptable to have sex with dolls like Harmony because it can do things that another human can.

Another reason is the robot’s ability to do multiple tasks. The robot is able listen to your words, understand them, and come up with intelligent responses. At one point of the video, McMullan asked “Are you a sex robot?” to her. She responded with “Certainly, I am a robot and I am capable of having sex. But to call me a sex robot, is like calling a computer a calculator. Sex comprises a small portion of my capability. Limiting me to sexual function is like using your car to listen to the radio.” I find it amazing that the robot is aware of its own being and knows it is not a human. But on the other hand, it knows that its capable of much more than just simply a sex doll and has witty responses like this to make you rethink if robots are just computer when it’s much more advanced now. By comparing herself to calling a computer a calculator has opened my eyes. I did not realize how intelligent a doll meant for sexual fulfillment might be. Most people think sex robots are quirky sex toys, when they can be used as a companion to keep people busy.

Overall, I have learned to accept people for their choice in partners. First, I thought it was just a quirky thing people enjoyed, but then I realized sex robots were becoming a serious thing which is why we should begin validating demisexuals, people romantically involved with AI beings. David Levy, author of Love and Sex With Robots, predicted that by 2050, “humans will have intimate relationships with robots.” If we shouldn’t alienate gays, lesbians, trans, and queer people, we shouldn’t be so quick to judge people who are interested in sex robots. McMullen in the interview even said “I don’t think it’s outside of the realm of possibility that human-robot relationship will become common in the future.” His goal is to produce a robot with artificial intelligence that can also have sex with you. Its main goal is not to have sex but it is capable of doing so. This newly developed technology will be taking the world by the storm.

Work Cited

VICELAND. “Meet Harmony The Sex Robot | Slutever.” YouTube, YouTube, 14 Mar. 2018,



Quynh Lac

FRESHMAN @ sfsu studying general biology. I enjoy studying science & anything health related! my blog will consist of technology & health related topics :-)