
15 min readMay 1, 2020


難度:**** (適合中等或更進階的學習者)

就是這個男子 讓W編聽到崩潰~~



今天首先推出一個比較輕鬆的影片,是由Mattress Clarity公司所推出,比較兩種棉被 Duvet 和 Comforter 的Youtube影片。注意:這篇的語速較快,比較適合中等或更高程度的學習者,針對初中階學習者我們會再找一些比較適合的影片。



Duvet (發音 請注意t不發音)

Comforter (發音)

另外床墊 mattress (發音) 、床單 sheet (發音)和 枕頭 pillow (發音) 也是可以先知道的字



影片不是那麼長(<4 mins) 。練習的方式可以參考我們的這篇文章。




[中括號內的字] 表示說的很含糊不確定是否有說,但說了較符合句義的字]

(小括號內的字)表示不合句義 但的確有說出來的贅字


OK. Pop quiz.

Is this a duvet or a comforter?

Most people know the difference.

If you’re watching this video, you probably don’t know either. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here at Mattress Clarity, [we’re] all at making things simple; if you’re looking for a mattress, a pillow, a duvet, or a comforter.

But what is the difference between the two? Let’s find out.




如果你正在看這部影片,那麼你大概不曉得。但別擔心,我們來幫你了解。我們Mattress Clarity的員工都會為您解惑,不管你想找的是床墊、枕頭、Duvet或是Comforter。


pop quiz:隨堂考試

we are here to help:我們在這裡替你提供服務/幫助你 常用於服務人員

Spoiler alert, this is a comforter.

How can you tell it’s a comforter? There’s two main things.

First, coming out of the bag, it’s ready to go. You can put it right in your bed. It’s smooth to the touch. You can use it right away.

Also, it’s going to be quilted. So you’re gonna have the filling actually evenly dispersed throughout the comforter, so it’s actually not gonna move around too much inside the comforter there. Those are the two main ways you can tell it’s a comforter. Let’s move on to duvets now.


如何知道這是一條Comforter? 有兩個重點。



spoiler alert: 就是中文的”有雷注意”。表示後面會告知劇情。這裡表示提前告訴你他手上拿的東西是comforter而不是duvet

ready to go:直接可以使用

evenly dispersed (throughout something): 均勻分佈在…中

Let’s move on to …: move on本意為”離開現地,到下個地方”,可以表示實體的移動,狀態的移動(例如開始新的工作),也可以表示心境上的移動(例如分手後忘掉一切重新開始新生活)。在此處則表示要帶領觀眾進到下一個要介紹項目。

What makes a duvet, a duvet?

These two things right here. You’re gonna have your cover, it’s empty like a pillowcase, then you’re gonna have your fill here. Two separate things. You can put the fill inside of the cover; you’re gonna button it right up and put it right on your bed. That’s the main way you’re gonna tell if that’s a duvet; it’s gonna be two separate pieces.






button something up:button(鈕扣)這個字也可直接當動詞,表”扣上”之意。加不加後面的 up 都可以

two separate pieces:兩件分開來的東西

But there’s also some advantages and disadvantages to each that I want to get into. What’s better, the duvet or the comforter for you? Let’s get into that.

OK I want to tell what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a comforter. First, if you like (kind of) that layered look in your bedroom where you have the sheets and then on top of that you’re gonna have this (kind of) fluffy comforter, pillows behind that, the comforter is definitely the way to go. ’Cause a lot of times you are gonna use the different layers when you’re putting that on your bed.



Let’s get into that:get into something有”開始做某事”之意。這邊的情境比較像”讓我們開始吧”

advantages and disadvantages:優點和缺點,也可說 pros and cons。另外要注意的是發音。當說話語速較快時,n 後面的 t 是不發音的

layered look:有層次感的樣子


the way to go:這邊有”首選”之意。另外若單獨說 Way to go,為稱讚別人”做的好!”的意思。

Off that as well, all the times comforter will come in a bed set of matching bed sets. You’ll have begin your sheets, your comforter, and you’re gonna have your pillows back there.

The main thing or the best thing about a comforter though, is the ease of use. Again like I talked about before, you take it right out of the bag, it’s ready to go. Off that though, it’s one piece, so it’s actually more difficult to clean.

If you have a down alternative comforter, you can wash it at home, but it is still cumbersome. The down comforter you gotta take it all the way to a dry cleaner to get properly cleaned though.




a bed set:床組件。包含了床單、枕頭、各式棉被等單品。

down alternative:人造仿羽絨。down當名詞為”羽絨”之意。


Now, for the pros and cons of duvets. First, if you don’t like making your bed, duvet is definitely the way to go. You can put it right on the bed with just the bottom sheet, couple pillows, really good setup there.

Also, ease of cleaning. Take the duvet cover right off, leave the fill there, put it in the washer, dryer, put it right back, really easy cleaning.

Also, if you want to have an easier time with changing it out over the seasons, you want to put something on for Christmas time, something for the holiday season, something for the fall. You can easily take the duvet cover off and replace it. However, it can be cumbersome. You’re trying to put that fill in there, getting it properly aligned can be difficult. Also, some people complain with the duvet when they’re sleeping, you kind of lump up on them, kinda have that kind of fighting with the duvet feel.




make one’s bed:鋪床

take (something) off:把東西脫掉/移除之意

leave (something) there:中文的”留在這裡”,英文會用leave來表示

lump up:lump可指一團塊狀物,當動詞時指的是隆起/突起之意

Now the differences are pretty clear I think between a comforter and a duvet, you have the one piece of the comforter ready out of the bag, ready to go. With the duvet, you have the two pieces, your fill, and your cover.

But why is this so confusing?

Well… The main reason for that is a lot of time you can use a comforter as the fill for a duvet. And a lot of companies even have taps to make it easily secure within the duvet cover. Also, a lot of companies will actually use these terms interchangeably. It’s very confusing. But it’s not so much the definitions that’s important; it’s knowing what you’re getting. It’s knowing your preferences, knowing what you’re buying, and knowing you have a good night’s sleep with the bedding you purchased.




why is this so confusing:東西讓人困惑是confusing,自己覺得困惑是confused(I am so confused)。另外可以注意一下confuse的發音,con開頭的動詞幾乎都是發類似中文”肯”的音而不是”康”的音

The main reason for that is…:主要的理由是…,為常用語

use these terms interchangeably:交替使用這些名詞

knowing your preferences:知道你的喜好。可以注意preference的發音

So what’s really come down to? I think if you’re looking for something you’d take right out of the bag, something would go well with some sheets and some pillowcases, definitely go with a comforter. If you’re looking for more of a simple look or you want to have some more ease of washing, want to change the look of it more often definitely go with the duvet.

If we got you all excited about comforters and duvets, definitely check out my top picks for comforters. Google “Mattress Clarity” plus “best comforters”. If you like this video and want to see more like it, definitely hit subscribe, leave a comment below.


如果我們激起了你對於Comforters與Duvets的興趣,請一定要看看我的Comforter首選列表。上Google查關鍵字Mattress Clarity加上Best comforters。如果你喜歡這段影片,想看其他類似的影片的話,請務必按下訂閱,並留下你的意見。

what’s really come down to:結論是什麼?

go well with (something):和…很配

go with (something):選擇某事。這邊剛好在一段內出現兩個go with的用法

hit subscribe, leave a comment below:按訂閱(按鈕),在下面留言。有看一些國外YouTuber的應該不陌生


就這樣囉 終於完成第一篇的影片畫重點!


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