Blockchain Based Financing:

Owed to regulation variations in different parts of the world, as well as the restriction of crypto open trading in some parts, Qompass has come up with a solution that enables entities to reap advantage out of crypto and blockchain Finance and trading technology. Following this solution, any subscriber can secure a loan from anyone on the platform. For example, a subscriber that gets involved in a promising ICO that accepts a certain crypto token.

In case, he or she is not willing to sell their current bitcoin, Ethereum or Qompass Coin, a loan can be applied for on the platform. The artificial intelligence powered algorithm will analyze the associated risk with the loan, based on valuables such as crowd behavior , over all market sentiment , comparison to previous examples if any as well as many other valuables, before matching it with willing lenders based on preset conditions.



Qompass-Financial Markets Blockchain

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Active Leverage.