Five Epic April Fools’ Day Pranks in History That Had Everyone Fooled

2 min readMar 31, 2023


Bonus: Top 3 April Fools’ Day Horror Movies To Watch

April Fools’ Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries worldwide, where people play practical jokes with each other and spread hoaxes and fake news stories. Over the years, some April Fools’ Day pranks have become legendary, fooling large numbers of people and even making headlines in the news.

This blog post will examine five of history’s most notable April Fools’ Day hoaxes, from the BBC’s infamous spaghetti tree prank to the fictional island nation of San Serriffe. These pranks show how a cleverly crafted story with enough detail and authority can fool even the most skeptical individuals and capture the public imagination.

So without further ado, let’s explore the top five April Fools’ Day hoaxes that have fooled and amused people over the years.

1. The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest

In 1957, the BBC broadcasted a three-minute segment on its current affairs program Panorama, which claimed that Swiss farmers were experiencing a bumper spaghetti crop due to a mild winter and the elimination of the spaghetti weevil. The report showed footage of Swiss peasants plucking strands of spaghetti from trees. The presenter, Richard Dimbleby, explained how the pasta strands grew to their full length after being nurtured by the warm Mediterranean sun. Many viewers believed the report accurate, and some even contacted the BBC to ask how they could grow their spaghetti trees.

2. The Left-Handed Whopper

In 1998, Burger King advertised in USA Today. READ THE REST HERE




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