When To Harvest Mustard

9 min readSep 5, 2023



Harvesting mustard is a crucial step in the cultivation process that can significantly impact the quality and flavor of this versatile crop. Mustard seeds are widely used in culinary dishes, condiments, and even for their oil. To ensure you get the best yield and flavor from your mustard crop, it’s essential to know when and how to harvest it. In this article, we will explore the various factors that determine the ideal time to harvest mustard and the proper techniques for doing so.

Understanding Mustard Growth Stages

Before we delve into the specifics of when to harvest mustard, it’s essential to understand the different growth stages of the plant. Mustard typically goes through several stages:

1. Germination

At this stage, mustard seeds sprout and develop into seedlings. It usually takes about 3–7 days after planting for germination to occur.

2. Vegetative Growth

During this stage, mustard plants focus on leaf and stem development. They require consistent watering and nutrient-rich soil.

3. Bolting

Bolting is when the mustard plant begins to produce a tall central stem. This is a crucial stage to monitor for the right time to harvest.

4. Flowering

Mustard plants produce bright yellow flowers during this stage. The flowers will eventually turn into seed pods.

5. Seed Formation

After flowering, seed pods develop and gradually fill with seeds. This is the stage where the harvest becomes the main focus.

Determining the Right Time to Harvest

6. Observing the Flowering Stage

The flowering stage is a crucial phase to monitor when determining the optimal time to harvest mustard crops. It’s essential to wait until approximately 80% of the mustard flowers have transitioned into seed pods before initiating the harvesting process.

This particular stage is pivotal for several reasons:

  1. Seed Development: Mustard seeds are the primary product of interest when growing mustard crops. Waiting until most of the flowers have transformed into seed pods ensures that the seeds have had sufficient time to develop and mature. Harvesting prematurely may result in underdeveloped seeds, reducing overall yield and quality.
  2. Seed Quality: Harvesting at the right time promotes better seed quality. Mature seeds are more likely to be plump, fully formed, and have higher oil content, which can be critical for certain applications such as mustard oil production.
  3. Yield Optimization: Allowing the majority of the flowers to transition into seed pods maximizes your crop’s yield potential. Harvesting too early may lead to lower overall yield, while harvesting too late could result in seeds dispersing naturally, reducing your harvestable crop.

To determine when to begin harvesting mustard during the flowering stage, follow these steps:

  1. Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your mustard plants during the flowering period. Look closely at the flowers to assess their transformation into seed pods.
  2. The 80% Rule: Wait until approximately 80% of the mustard flowers have undergone the transition from flowers to seed pods. This can be determined by visually assessing the plant’s overall appearance and noting the proportion of pods relative to the remaining flowers.
  3. Timing is Key: Timing is crucial, as harvesting too early or too late can significantly impact your yield and seed quality.
  4. Harvesting Process: Once the majority of the flowers have become seed pods, you can begin the harvesting process. Use appropriate tools and techniques to collect the mature seed pods efficiently.

7. Checking Seed Ripeness

To ensure that your mustard seeds are ripe and ready for harvest, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select Sample Pods: Choose a few representative seed pods from your mustard plants for testing. These pods should be from different areas of your crop to get a comprehensive assessment.
  2. Gentle Pressure Test: Gently press the selected seed pods between your fingers or thumb. Apply only slight pressure to avoid damaging the seeds or pods.
  3. Observing Seed Release: Pay close attention to how the pods respond to the pressure. If the pods release their seeds easily, it is a sign that they are mature and ready for harvest. The seeds should readily separate from the pod without much effort.
  4. Inspect Seed Color: Examine the color of the seeds that have been released. Ripe mustard seeds typically have a dark color, ranging from brown to black, depending on the mustard variety. This dark color indicates that the seeds have reached full maturity.
  5. Confirmation: Perform this gentle pressure test on multiple pods to confirm the consistency of ripeness throughout your crop. If most pods exhibit easy seed release and dark seed color, it’s a strong indication that the majority of your mustard crop is ready for harvest.
  6. Harvesting Techniques: Now that you’ve determined the right time to harvest, let’s look at the proper techniques:

8. Use Clean Tools

Maintaining clean and contamination-free harvesting tools is essential to prevent spoilage and ensure the quality of your harvest. Here are some important steps to follow:

  1. Tool Inspection: Before starting the harvesting process, thoroughly inspect all your tools, including knives, shears, baskets, or any other equipment you plan to use. Check for any dirt, debris, or residues from previous use.
  2. Cleaning Process: Clean all tools and equipment by removing any soil, plant debris, or contaminants. Use a brush, cloth, or running water to clean the surfaces thoroughly.
  3. Sanitization: To ensure your tools are free from harmful microorganisms, consider sanitizing them. You can do this by using a mild disinfectant or a mixture of water and vinegar. Allow the tools to air dry after sanitizing.
  4. Prevent Cross-Contamination: Be cautious not to use tools that have been in contact with diseased plants or pests in other parts of your garden or field. This can help prevent the spread of diseases and pests to your mustard crop.
  5. Tool Maintenance: Regularly maintain and sharpen your cutting tools, such as knives or shears, to ensure clean and precise cuts. Dull tools can damage plants and increase the risk of contamination.
  6. Personal Hygiene: As a best practice, ensure that the people involved in harvesting also maintain good personal hygiene. This includes clean hands and clothing to reduce the risk of transferring contaminants to the crop.
  7. Harvesting Containers: If you are using containers to collect harvested mustard, make sure they are clean and have been sanitized as well. Dirty or contaminated containers can compromise the quality of the harvested crop.
  8. Storage: Store your clean tools and equipment in a clean and dry location to prevent them from becoming dirty or rusted before the next use.

9. Cut the Stems

When harvesting mustard, it’s important to cut the stems correctly to ensure a successful and damage-free harvest. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Tool Preparation: Use sharp scissors or shears that have been cleaned and sanitized as mentioned earlier to prevent contamination.
  2. Stem Selection: Approach the mustard plant you wish to harvest. Identify the stems that have mature seed pods. These are the ones you will be cutting.
  3. Positioning: Position your scissors or shears just above the ground level, where the stem is still healthy and sturdy. Be cautious not to cut too close to the ground, as this could result in soil or debris contaminating your harvest.
  4. Cutting Technique: Hold the stem gently but firmly, and make a clean, swift cut with your sharp scissors or shears. Ensure that the cut is smooth and even to minimize damage to the seeds and the plant.
  5. Collecting Harvest: As you cut the stems, place the harvested portions in a clean container, basket, or bag. Be gentle to avoid crushing or damaging the seeds during collection.
  6. Repeat the Process: Continue this process, moving from plant to plant, until you have harvested all the mature mustard stems in your crop.

10. Gather the Pods

When you’ve cut the mustard stems and have the seed pods ready for collection, it’s crucial to handle them carefully to prevent damage. Here’s how to gather the seed pods:

  1. Prepare a Collection Container: Use a clean and dry container to collect the harvested seed pods. This container should be spacious enough to accommodate the pods without crowding them, which can lead to damage.
  2. Handle with Care: Take each cut stem or cluster of seed pods gently and transfer them to the collection container. Be cautious not to squeeze, crush, or bruise the pods during this process.
  3. Avoid Overloading: Do not overcrowd the container. It’s important to leave enough space between the pods to prevent them from getting compressed or damaged. If you have a large harvest, consider using multiple containers.
  4. Inspect as You Go: As you gather the seed pods, take a moment to inspect them for any signs of damage, disease, or pest infestations. Remove any pods that appear compromised to maintain the quality of your harvest.
  5. Store Properly: Once you have collected all the seed pods, store the container in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Proper storage helps maintain the freshness and quality of the mustard pods until you are ready to process them further or store them for future use.

11. Drying the Harvest

Drying your harvested mustard seeds is a crucial step in preserving their quality and preventing mold or spoilage. Follow these steps to properly dry your mustard seeds:

  1. Prepare a Clean Surface: Choose a clean and dry surface for drying the mustard seeds. You can use a tray, baking sheet, or a large flat container. Ensure that the surface is free from any contaminants or residues.
  2. Spread the Seeds: Spread the harvested mustard seeds evenly in a single layer on the chosen surface. Avoid overcrowding, as this can hinder proper airflow and drying.
  3. Well-Ventilated Area: Place the surface with the spread seeds in a well-ventilated area. Good airflow is essential for the drying process. You can use a shaded outdoor location with a gentle breeze or an indoor space with proper ventilation.
  4. Monitor the Drying: Allow the mustard seeds to air dry for several days, typically around 3 to 7 days, depending on the humidity levels in your area. During this time, periodically check the seeds for moisture content and mold growth.
  5. Stir or Turn: To ensure even drying, gently stir or turn the seeds once or twice a day. This prevents them from clumping together and promotes uniform drying.
  6. Check for Dryness: To determine if the seeds are adequately dried, take a few and press them between your fingers. They should feel dry and hard, with no moisture remaining. If they still feel soft or moist, continue drying.
  7. Store When Dry: Once the mustard seeds are thoroughly dried, transfer them to a clean, airtight container for storage. Ensure that the container is completely dry to prevent any moisture from re-entering.

Storing Mustard Seeds

12. Select Airtight Containers

To maintain the freshness and flavor of your harvested mustard seeds, it’s crucial to choose the right storage containers. Airtight containers provide an excellent solution for preserving the quality of your mustard seeds. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Container Selection: Opt for clean, dry, and airtight containers specifically designed for food storage. Glass jars with rubber-sealed lids, plastic containers with secure snap-on lids, or metal containers with tight-fitting closures are all suitable options.
  2. Clean and Dry Containers: Before using the containers, ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and dried. Any residual moisture can lead to mold or spoilage of your mustard seeds.
  3. Storage Quantity: Select containers that are appropriately sized for the quantity of mustard seeds you have. Avoid using containers that are too large, as extra air inside the container can lead to quicker seed deterioration.
  4. Seal Quality: Inspect the seals or lids of the containers to make sure they provide a tight and secure seal. A good seal prevents moisture and air from entering the container, which can compromise seed quality.
  5. Labeling: Consider labeling the containers with the harvest date and any relevant information, such as the mustard seed variety or any special notes. This helps you keep track of freshness and quality over time.
  6. Storage Conditions: Store the airtight containers in a cool, dark, and dry location. Exposure to light and temperature fluctuations can impact the seeds’ flavor and shelf life.
  7. Regular Check: Periodically check the stored mustard seeds for any signs of moisture or deterioration. If you notice any issues, remove the affected seeds and ensure the container is properly sealed.

13. Store in a Cool, Dark Place

Mustard seeds should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to preserve their quality.


Harvesting mustard at the right time is crucial to enjoy the best flavor and quality from your crop. By understanding the growth stages, observing flowering, checking seed ripeness, and following proper harvesting techniques, you can ensure a bountiful mustard harvest.

