How Do QR Codes With Logos Work?

8 min readMay 23, 2024


Best practices for adding your logo to QR codes

QR codes, also known as Quick Response codes, are now widely used in modern society, appearing on various items from business cards to billboards. These 2D barcodes store data easily accessed by scanning with a smartphone or other device. While QR codes are often seen in their standard black-and-white form, many businesses and individuals are now customizing them by adding logos. This blog will explore how free qr code generator with logo work, the best practices for incorporating logos, and the impact logos can have on the functionality of QR codes.

How It Works

QR codes work by encoding data in black and white squares. This data can include website URLs, contact information, or any other type of text. When a QR code is scanned, the device’s camera reads the pattern and decodes the data.

When adding a QR code, a logo is typically placed in the centre of the code. This is possible because Personal QR Code have built-in error correction, allowing some of the code to be obscured or damaged while still being readable. The error correction level can be adjusted, with higher levels allowing for more of the code to be obscured. However, balancing error correction with scannability is essential, as too much obstruction can render the QR code unreadable.

Do Logos Impact Scannability?

One of the primary concerns when adding a logo to a QR code is whether it will impact the code’s scannability. The answer depends on several factors, including the size and placement of the logo, the error correction level, and the overall design of the QR code.

  • Error Correction: QR codes have four levels of error correction: Low (L), Medium (M), Quartile (Q), and High (H). Higher error correction levels obscure more of the QR code, making it more complex and challenging to scan. Most QR code generators recommend using Medium (M) or Quartile (Q) error correction when adding a logo.
  • Logo Size: The size of the logo relative to the QR code is crucial. If the logo is too large, it can cover too much of the code and make it unscannable. A good rule of thumb is to keep the logo size to less than 30% of the QR code’s total area.
  • Contrast and Color: The contrast between the QR code and the logo should be high to ensure the code remains easily scannable. Using a light-coloured logo on a dark-coloured QR code, or vice versa, can help maintain this contrast. Avoid using colours that blend too closely together.

Best Practices for Adding Your Logo to QR Codes

Consider the following best practices to ensure that your Free QR Code Generator Online is both functional and visually appealing:

Use High-Quality Images: Ensure your logo is high-resolution to maintain clarity and readability.

Maintain Adequate Contrast: Ensure enough contrast between the Social Media QR code and the logo. Light logos work best on dark QR codes, and dark logos on light QR codes.

Choose the Right Error Correction Level: Use an error correction level that balances the logo size and scannability. Medium (M) or Quartile (Q) error correction is often recommended.

Test the QR Code: Always test your QR code with multiple devices and apps to ensure it scans correctly before distributing it.

Keep It Simple: Avoid overly complex designs that may interfere with the scannability of the QR code.

How Should I Format My Logo?

When formatting your logo for a QR code, consider the following guidelines:

File Format: Use a high-quality image format such as PNG or SVG. These formats support transparency and high resolution, making them ideal for QR codes.

Size: Keep the logo to less than 30% of the QR code area. This helps maintain the balance between branding and functionality.

Placement: Place the logo in the centre of the QR code where the error correction capability is most vital. Avoid placing the logo near the corners or edges, which can interfere with the code’s readability.

How Big Can the Logo Be?

The size of the logo in a QR code should be carefully considered to ensure that it does not interfere with the code’s scannability. Generally, the logo should occupy no more than 30% of the total QR code area. This ensures that enough of the QR code is visible to be scanned, even with the addition of the logo.

Error Correction Considerations: Higher error correction levels allow for more prominent logos, but they also increase the complexity of the QR code. Medium (M) or Quartile (Q) error correction levels are often sufficient for adding a logo without compromising scannability.

Testing: After adding the logo, test the QR code extensively with different devices and QR code scanning apps to ensure it works properly. Adjust the size if necessary based on the results of these tests.

Different Ways to Display the Logo

There are several creative ways to incorporate a logo into a QR code. Here are some options:

Central Placement: The most common method is to place the logo in the centre of the QR code. This is where the error correction is strongest, allowing for a more prominent logo without impacting scannability.

Integrated Design: Some designers integrate the logo into the overall QR code design, making the logo part of the pattern itself. This can be visually appealing but requires careful testing to ensure functionality.

Bordered Logo: Adding a border around the logo can help maintain contrast and ensure the QR code remains scannable. This is particularly useful if the logo colours are similar to the QR code.

Background Integration: Instead of placing the logo over the QR code, the QR code can be designed to fit around the logo. This involves creating a custom pattern with the included logo as part of the QR code design.

How to Create a QR Code with a Logo

Creating a QR code with a logo can be a great way to make your code stand out and represent your brand effectively. A helpful way to make your code more visually appealing and easily recognizable. Done using various online tools and software. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Choose a QR Code Generator: Select a reliable generator that supports adding logos. Some popular options include QRcodebrew.

Input the Data: Enter the data you want to encode in the QR code, such as a URL, contact information, or text.

Select Error Correction Level: Choose the appropriate error correction level (Medium or quarter is often recommended).

Upload Your Logo: Upload the logo image you want to add to the QR code. Ensure it is a high-quality image in PNG or SVG format.

Adjust Logo Size and Placement: Resize and position the logo within the QR code. Keep the logo size to less than 30% of the QR code area and place it centrally.

Customize the Design: Customize the colours and design of the QR code to match your branding. Ensure there is sufficient contrast for scannability.

Generate the QR Code: Generate and download the image file.

Test the QR Code: Please use different devices and scanning apps to ensure it works properly. It works correctly.

Distribute Your QR Code: Once you have verified that it is scannable, you can use it in your QR Code on Marketing Materials, products, or any other medium.


QR codes with logos uniquely combine functionality with branding, making them a powerful tool for businesses and individuals alike. By following best practices, ensuring proper formatting, and testing, you can create QR codes that are both visually appealing and highly functional. Whether you want to add a logo to enhance brand recognition or make a more personalized QR code, the steps outlined in this blog will help you achieve your goals. Always balance design with scannability to ensure your QR codes are effective and user-friendly.


Can adding a logo to a QR code affect its scannability?

If not done correctly, adding a logo to a QR code can affect its scannability. The key factors include the size and placement of the logo, the error correction level used, and maintaining adequate contrast between the logo and the QR code. To ensure scannability, keep the logo size to less than 30% of the QR code area, use appropriate error correction levels (Medium or Quartile), and test the QR code with multiple devices and apps.

What is the best error correction level when adding a logo to a QR code?

The best error correction levels to use when adding a logo to a QR code are Medium (M) or Quartile (Q). These levels strike a good balance between allowing part of the QR code to be covered by the logo while maintaining the code’s scannability. Higher error correction levels allow for more prominent logos but can make the QR code more complex and challenging to scan.

What file format should I use for my logo when adding it to a QR code?

PNG and SVG are the recommended file formats for logos when adding them to a QR code. These formats support high resolution and transparency, ensuring the logo appears clear and professional within the QR code. PNG is widely used for its balance of quality and file size, while SVG is ideal for vector images that require scaling without losing quality.

How can I ensure that my QR code with a logo is easily scannable?

To ensure that your QR code with a logo is easily scannable, follow these best practices:

  • Use a high-resolution logo in PNG or SVG format.
  • Keep the logo size to less than 30% of the QR code area.
  • Place the logo centrally where the error correction capability is most vital.
  • Ensure a strong contrast between the QR code and the logo.
  • Use an appropriate error correction level (Medium or Quartile).
  • Test the QR code with multiple devices and scanning apps to verify its functionality.

What creative ways to display a logo within a QR code?

There are several creative ways to display a logo within a QR code:

  • Central Placement: Place the logo in the centre of the QR code where error correction is most vital.
  • Integrated Design: Integrate the logo into the overall design of the QR code, making it part of the pattern itself.
  • Bordered Logo: Add a border around the logo to maintain contrast and ensure scannability.
  • Background Integration: Design the QR code to fit around the logo, creating a custom pattern that includes the logo as part of the QR code design. Each of these methods can enhance the QR code’s visual appeal while maintaining its functionality.




With our professional QR Code generator software, you can develop, customize, and edit your QR codes in one convenient location.