QR Codes on Brochures: How to Create Interesting Print Creatives

5 min readDec 13, 2023


In today’s digital age, integrating traditional marketing materials with modern technology has become crucial for businesses to stay relevant and engaging. One such innovative strategy is incorporating QR codes on brochures. QR codes, short for Quick Response codes,have become popular for their ability to connect people and provide assistance by bridging the gap between them.” print and digital media. This blog will explore why using QR codes on brochures is an intelligent choice, how to create dynamic QR codes, and best practices to make your print creatives more exciting and compelling.

Why Use QR Codes on Brochures

Link Unlimited Information

One of the primary reasons to use QR codes on brochures is the ability to link unlimited information to a small, physical space. Traditional brochures often need more space to convey your message, but QR codes solve this constraint. By scanning the code with their smartphones, readers can access more information, including product details, videos, pricing, and more. This feature allows you to provide a comprehensive experience to your audience without cluttering your printed material.

Link Multimedia Content

QR codes enable you to add an interactive dimension to your brochures by linking multimedia content. “Rather than solely depending on text and images, you can explore other alternatives.” enhance your brochures with videos, audio clips, animations, and 360-degree product views. This not only captures your audience’s attention but also provides a more engaging and immersive experience. For example, a real estate brochure could include a QR code leading to a virtual property tour, giving potential buyers a better feel for the space.

Add Design

While highly functional, QR codes can also be integrated seamlessly into your brochure design. Did you know that you can adjust the appearance of QR codes to your liking?” to match your branding and the overall aesthetic of your brochure? This means you can use colors, logos, and unique designs to make the QR codes visually appealing. When QR codes complement your brochure’s design, they blend in harmoniously while still serving their purpose effectively.

Track Scanning Activity

QR codes on brochures provide a valuable tool for tracking scanning activity and gathering insights into your audience’s engagement. Using QR code tracking software, you can monitor how often your code has been scanned, when and where it was observed, and which content was accessed. This data helps you gauge the effectiveness of your brochure campaign, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for future marketing efforts. It also enables you to identify which parts of your brochure generate the most interest.

How to Create Dynamic QR Codes

Creating dynamic QR codes is a straightforward process that involves the following steps:

Choose a QR Code Generator: Numerous QR code generator tools are available online, both free and paid. Popular options include QRcodebrew.

Determine the content: Decide what information or Link any content to the QR code, such as a website URL, contact details, a PDF document, a video link, or a social media profile.

Input the Content: Use the chosen QR code generator to input the content. Most generators have user-friendly interfaces where you can enter the data or upload the file you want to link.

Customize the Design: Customize the appearance of your QR code to match your branding or brochure design. You can adjust the color, add a logo or image, and choose from various QR code styles.

Generate the QR Code: After customizing the QR code, generate it. The generator will provide you with a downloadable QR code image file.

Test the QR Code: Before printing it on your brochure, test the QR code to ensure it works correctly. Use your smartphone’s QR code scanner app to check that it leads to the intended content.

Add to Brochure: Once satisfied with the QR code, incorporate it into your brochure design. Please place it in a prominent and easily scannable location, ensuring enough contrast and space around it.

Print and Distribute: Print your brochures with the QR code and distribute them to your target audience. Encourage readers to scan the code for additional information and interactive content.

QR Code on Brochures: Best Practices

To make the most out of QR codes on brochures, it’s essential to follow some best practices:

Provide Value: Ensure that the content linked to the QR code provides real value to the audience. The content should be relevant and worthwhile, whether in-depth product information, exclusive discounts, or informative videos.

Clear Call to Action: Include a clear and concise call to action (CTA) near the QR code. For example, use text like “Scan for More Information” or “Unlock Exclusive Content.” This prompts readers to engage with the code.

Test for Compatibility: Test your QR codes on various devices and QR code scanning apps to ensure compatibility. Make sure they work flawlessly on both iOS and Android devices.

Optimize for Mobile: Ensure that the linked content is mobile-friendly and responsive. Most users will access the information on their smartphones, so it should be easy to navigate on small screens.

Analyze and Refine: Continuously monitor the scanning activity of your QR codes and analyze the data. Use this information to refine your marketing strategy and improve the content you offer through QR codes.

Keep It Visually Attractive: Customize the QR code to match your brochure’s design. Make it visually appealing and integrate it seamlessly into the overall aesthetics.

Test Placement: Experiment with different QR code placements in your brochure. While a prominent location is essential, you can include more minor QR codes as supplementary information within specific brochure sections.

Educate Your Audience: Some people may need to become more familiar with QR codes or how to scan them. Include a brief section in your brochure explaining how to check the code and what benefits the reader will gain.

Regularly Update Content: If your linked content changes over time, update the QR code accordingly. A website’s broken or outdated links can result in a suboptimal user experience.

Monitor Scanning Analytics: Take advantage of the tracking capabilities of QR codes to understand user behaviour. Adjust your marketing strategy based on the insights. You gather.


Incorporating QR codes on brochures, “Using visual aids can be an effective method to captivate and involve your audience, “ provides valuable information and bridges the gap between print and digital marketing. When used effectively, QR codes enhance the overall impact of your printed materials and allow you to track and measure your campaign’s success. You can make exciting and compelling prints by following best practices and creating dynamic QR codes. Create content that attracts your target audience’s attention.” in today’s digitally connected world.

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