Static vs Dynamic QR Codes: Which Is Better?

3 min readApr 9, 2024


QR codes have become a popular tool in today’s digital world for multiple applications such as marketing, payment processing, and information sharing. QR codes are a useful tool that helps connect physical items to digital content such as websites, apps, and multimedia. These codes can be scanned with a smartphone, making it easy to access the content. One important decision you’ll have to make when using QR codes is whether to use static or dynamic codes. This comprehensive guide will explore the differences between static and dynamic QR codes, explain how to create them, and help you decide which is better for your needs.

Table of Contents


What is the difference between Dynamic and Static Codes?

How do I know if I created a Dynamic or Static QR Code?

How can I make a Dynamic or Static Code?

Can I convert a Dynamic QR Code into a Static QR Code?

How can I create a Static QR Code without an account?

How do I redirect my QR Code?



QR codes have gained immense popularity over the years due to their simplicity and versatility. They can be used for various applications, from product packaging to event invitations. However, one crucial decision you’ll need to make when creating a Free QR Code Generator Online is whether it is static or dynamic.

What is the difference between Dynamic and Static Codes?

Static QR Codes

Static QR codes contain fixed information that cannot be modified once created. static qr code generator are often used for primary purposes, such as directing users to a specific URL, sharing contact information, or displaying plain text. They are ideal for sharing information that remains the same, like a business card qr code generator or a link to your website’s homepage. Pros of Static QR Codes:

  • Simple to create and use.
  • No ongoing maintenance is required.
  • Suitable for static information like contact details.

Cons of Static QR Codes:

  • Limited functionality; cannot be updated after creation.
  • Not suitable for dynamic or frequently changing content.

Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic QR codes, on the other hand, are more versatile and flexible. They allow you to change the encoded content even after the QR code has been generated. Dynamic QR codes are ideal for use cases where the linked content might change over time, such as event promotions, QR code on marketing campaigns, or inventory management.

Pros of Dynamic QR Codes:

  • Content can be modified without changing the QR code itself.
  • Suitable for dynamic or frequently updated information.
  • Enhanced tracking and analytics options.

Cons of Dynamic QR Codes:

  • Typically, it requires a subscription or service for creation.
  • Need ongoing management to keep the linked content up to date.

How do I know if I created a Dynamic or Static QR Code?

To determine whether a QR code is static or dynamic, you can follow these steps:

  • Check the QR Code Generator: If you have used a QR code generator tool or service, it should inform you whether the generated QR code is static or dynamic.
  • Review the Content: Examine the content linked to the QR code. If the QR code directs you to a website where the information can be updated or changed, it’s likely a dynamic QR code. If the information remains fixed, it’s probably a static QR code.

Contact the Creator: If you need clarification on the type of QR code you have, contact the person or service that generated it. They should be able to confirm whether it’s static or dynamic.

Read the full article on topic -Static vs Dynamic QR Codes: Which Is Better?




With our professional QR Code generator software, you can develop, customize, and edit your QR codes in one convenient location.