8 Best Steps to Get Your 10,000 Visitors from SEO

QServices Inc
5 min readAug 9, 2022


Do it Bigger and Make it Better

Do you know that there are over 4.4 million blogs? Yes, it’s true. And many blogs out there are not thoroughly written, researched, or informative enough to help their audience.

Getting traffic and increasing the number of visitors from 0 to 1000 or from 1000 to 10000 for a new blog is a difficult task, especially when you are a newbie. Getting readers to a new blog is even more challenging. This blog will zoom in on how to get your first 10,000 visitors because it has been seen that it’s the most challenging task. This blog will show you the top 9 tips to increase your blog visitors. Let’s dive in and explore each tip in detail.

  1. Choose (or Narrow) your Niche
  2. Choose the right topics
  3. Aim for Quality Content
  4. Optimize Blog Posts for Maximum Visibility
  5. Promotion. Promotion. Promotion
  6. Build your Email List ASAP
  7. Build relationships with influencers
  8. Optimize Posts for Readability.

#1 Choose (or Narrow) your Niche

It’s the exact topic you have to be careful about first. The best SEO services in Canada suggest that blog titles should cover broad topics, but many gaps exist between topics. You can win over this ‘SPACE’ issue by working on longtail keywords with specific topics.

#2 Choose a Unique Blog Topics

Make sure other websites do not cover the topic. Try to be very specific while choosing a title for your blog. And select things that have not been covered yet by any other blog site. If it’s covered multiple times, it’s generally not going to help you grow, especially if you’re starting from scratch. And why would somebody trust you? How are they going to find you? If it’s already been done. So, if it’s covered more than twice, you definitely can’t do it. So, what you want to look for when you research are things that have not been covered.

#3 Aim for Quality Content

It’s all about the quality of your blog. Even the companies who provide Digital Marketing Services in the USA aim for the highest possible qualities. Again, this is what’s going to help your content to stand out. Long gone are the days of 800 words, even 1500 words these days. And it isn’t all just about the word count. It’s about how you present that information if you have a topic that’s always been presented very seriously. Present the content in the following way:

  • In a light-hearted way
  • In a funny way.
  • It uses a different format.
  • Videos, infographic

Always use some of the best infographics in your niche and turn them into a blog post or a more actionable step. Always look and play around with the formats. They can help you. It will take a lot longer to do, but that’s the only way you can make things work these days.

#4 Optimize Blog Posts for Maximum Visibility

This means optimizing the

  • Meta-Description
  • The title

You can use old SEO tactics like the title can be different, the page setup can be different, and the blog post. You have to make sure that you include keywords and everything on the SEO front in your actual blog post. SEO Service in USA has a fantastic new tool that can help you analyze your actual copy. Copy your paste into the content analyzer and cognitive SEO tool. It will tell you how relevant or things you can improve upon in the actual meet of your blog post for better ranked.

#5 Promotion. Promotion. Promotion

It’s bitter, but the truth is, you need to spend time promoting your article or blog. If you don’t know how to promote your blog, you can get help from an SEO management company in Brampton or Florida. If you don’t know about SEO, don’t do trial and error experiments with your promotional blogs. Instead, let professionals handle your blog promotion.

#6 Build your Email List ASAP

Start building your email list as soon as possible. You can use a welcome mat and list builder sumo to ask people to opt in. So, it has the highest success rate because you ask them to opt-in immediately when they visit the website.

#7 Build relationships with influencers

Influencers are always highlighted on social media, YouTube, and more digital platforms. They can help to boost your blog. Building relationships with influencers, movers, or people who are actually out there long term will help your blog get traffic.

Getting one or two shares can lead you to 100 or 1000 visitors. But, again, it all depends on who the influencers are and their audience size. Furthermore, relationships are the key to building your blog for hundreds of thousands of visitors.

#8 Optimize post for readability
At the end of the day, minimize ads, minimize call to action, and minimize email options. So yes, we know, as already said, you should ask for emails but minimize distractions, make your experience very pure, focus on the audience, the view, and the readers, and then comprehend the information.

Choose the suitable theme and the right design, and add ads later. For the first 10,000 visitors, you need to make it count because these will be your loyal fans and audience for the next thousand visitors.


Now that you have the lists through emails plus subscribers, you can start working on your blog. Each time you can research and publish a brand-new blog post. This guarantees new traffic whenever you release a new post. To hook your audience, you must work on your blog’s subject line because people will read the rest of your content based only on the subject line that grabs their attention first. If you found this blog valuable, kindly support and share your feedback.



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