Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Cyber-Security?

Tarun Kaushik
3 min readJun 15, 2018


There has been a long debate over the power of AI in the world of cybersecurity. Many tech experts carry a different opinion on whether AI is the future of cybersecurity. However, if we consider recent updates and releases from tech giants, there are thoughts the cybersecurity will be powered by AI technology. One of the prime releases is the Chronicle from the Google parent company, Alphabet. This AI-powered solution is designed to fight against the cybercrime.

Cybersecurity is the talk of the town due to its large scale impact on business and individual. The cost of cybercrime is immense and if we look into the report published by CSO, it will cost $6 trillion annually by 2021, which is up from $3 trillion in 2015. Be it the banking, IT or tech, no industry is spared from cybercrime.

When it comes to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, no industry is left impacted, including the cybersecurity. There are series of cybersecurity companies- start-ups and established started producing AI integrated products helping to secure data from third-party clients. From AI mobile app development to Blockchain Development, everything requires the cybersecurity roof and AI is playing a major role.

The Real Deal of Cybersecurity and AI:

Every tech company today is armed with critical innovation to fight against the pandemic called cybercrime. AI integrated apps, software and other products are designed using AI system. The major reason behind the adoption of innovation is the skill gaps among the IT experts. No matter how much the cybersecurity team is trained, sometimes it fails to detect the potential threat. Ransomware is the prime example that gained popularity in 2017, when Cybercriminals using Ransomware started targeting e-commerce, IoT, online banking, etc. The biggest crime attack was on the cryptocurrency mining platform NiceHash, where hackers demanded £51 million of bitcoin. Investors lost millions in cryptocurrency attack, which was the biggest lesson for bitcoin investors too. This is where AI will come to the rescue. When AI-enabled security solutions join hands with the security team, it will be a huge benefit to track down the potential cyber threat.

Securing the Cloud System:

Cloud computing has really shaped the business deployment, delivery and data management. However, in many cases, this system can complicate the IT security. Here, AI stands critical to secure the cloud system. AI can be a powerful tool for the automation of IT security, enabling the team to keep up with the scale at which data is deployed. AI can also automatically detect suspicious behaviour in the cloud system, which is the best thing to keep the data secure.

Lack of workforce talent will lead to AI Solutions:

Honestly, with so many cyber-attacks happening globally, it shows that there is a tremendous shortage of InfoSec cyber professionals. In fact, according to the report by Frost & Sullivan, the global cybersecurity force will come down to 1.8 million by 2022. This is a warning bell for IT and tech companies to adopt AI solution. With the market getting vulnerable to cyber-attacks, business will have no option but to plug into AI-driven technology. More and more technology is designed and purchased to bring down the human error and save data getting breached.


There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is limitless and smart and faster than human, but it requires human touch to get going. As the online industry is adopting complete online transparency, the threat of malicious cyber-attack is unstoppable. So businesses need to focus largely on hiring and training AI experts who can work with the machine for product safety. Combining of the human mind and AI will certainly help in fighting against the hackers.

