Introducing QSTIEs: Our Groundbreaking NFT Collection with Paras, Powered by NEAR Protocol

3 min readApr 18, 2023



At QSTN, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Paras, a leading digital art platform on the NEAR Protocol, as we unveil our innovative generative NFT collection called QSTIEs. This partnership showcases the strength of the Web3 ecosystem and the remarkable fusion of art and utility in the NFT space. Join us as we delve into the details of this extraordinary collaboration, the exclusive features of our QSTIEs collection, and the benefits of our upcoming mint on May 1.

The NEAR Protocol Advantage

We chose to host our QSTIEs mint on NEAR Protocol because of its numerous benefits. NEAR Protocol is a decentralized platform designed for scalability, offering low gas fees due to its proof of stake consensus model. It also provides an intuitive onboarding experience, making it an ideal platform for our NFT release.

QSTIEs: Unrivaled Art and Utility Combined

Our QSTIEs collection consists of 1,000 randomly generated NFTs inspired by the QSTN logo and the “symbol” family, including the rarer comma, hashtag, and exclamation point characters. Created using Blender, these NFTs offer unparalleled utility to their holders:

  1. GLB files: As an NFT holder, you can claim the GLB file for your character, allowing you to wear your respective character as a skin in the metaverse.
  2. Early access: NFT holders will gain early access to our QSTN survey marketplace during the testnet period to provide invaluable feedback.
  3. Future benefits: As a holder, you can look forward to additional perks within our QSTN survey marketplace, planned for Q3 2023.

Our commitment to building utility around our QSTIEs NFTs sets us apart. As a precursor to our platform, we will collaborate with games to develop even more future utility for our NFT holders.

Minting QSTIEs: Presale and Public Mint

We will release the QSTIEs in May through a presale mint and a general public mint on our website. By leveraging the NEAR Protocol’s scalability, user-friendly onboarding, and lower gas fees, we aim to make the minting process as seamless as possible.

Paras: A Strong Partnership for Success

Paras is instrumental in our NFT release, providing support by hosting the secondary market on their platform, organizing giveaways, conducting a special AMA, and offering social support leading up to the release. Their involvement not only strengthens the credibility of our QSTIEs collection but also exemplifies the collaborative spirit of the Web3 ecosystem.

Featuring Paras in the QSTIEs Collection

Our QSTIEs collection uniquely incorporates Paras’ logo as a generative element. When users mint one of the four symbol characters, they also have the chance to mint a character featuring a logo from a popular project on the NEAR Protocol.

Stay Updated: Follow Us on Twitter

To stay informed about our whitelist and mint date, follow us on Twitter at QSTN. We will provide details for the mint scheduled for May 1 (whitelist) and May 2 (general public).


Our QSTIEs NFT release, backed by our partnership with Paras and powered by NEAR Protocol, showcases the future of Web3 innovation and collaboration. With an exceptional fusion of art, utility, and a strong partnership, we at QSTN are committed to providing the best experience for our community and ensuring that our NFTs pave the way for a new era of decentralized applications in the digital world.

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