Research on jamming technology in Germany started very early

4 min readDec 29, 2022


As early as World War II, the United States and Britain began to fully use electronic countermeasures on the European battlefield. The entire frequency range of German air defense radars was hit by metal chaff and electronic interference. In order to dispel the fog of interference, Germany tried its best, but in the end it failed to resist the powerful offensive of the Allied forces. The British airborne troops raided the radar position of Bruno Val, dismantled the main components of the latest “Wurzburg” radar at that time and transported it back to the UK. Germany is clearly aware that “Wurzburg” has fallen into the enemy’s hands, and its technical details have been fully exposed, and Britain will soon master the corresponding electronic countermeasures. As a result, the German military and industry quickly began to study radar frequency blockers and finally decided to adopt the method of widening the working frequency band.

By the 21st century, jammers were ubiquitous in Germany. For imortant meetings, large-scale examinations and major events, signal shielding instruments have become standard security equipment. Later, some criminals took advantage of this to do bad things. Unauthorized use of jammers will damage public resources and may have unexpected effects on military and national security. Therefore, Germany introduced laws to prohibit private use of this thing.
In 2006, with the approval of relevant management departments in some places in Germany, cell phone jamming device were generally installed in various examination rooms. After that, it will soon be rolled out across the country.

Schmoll-Engels, the principal of the Odenthal Gymnasium, told the German media that students in NRW are starting their high school leaving exams (Abi-Pruefungen). This year, as two cohorts of high school students graduate at the same time, the Ministry of Education estimates that about 130,000 students will take the exam this year. In order to strictly enforce exam discipline and deal with new types of cheating, schools start with mobile phones. It is stipulated that students should turn in their mobile phones before the exam. But the school found that after the exams, some mobile phones remained unclaimed. It turned out that some students handed in their old mobile phones without SIM cards in order to cope with the school, that is to say, they still kept their new mobile phones by their side for backup. In order to prevent cheating in the exam, all communication signals will be blocked. There are mobile phone signal jammers in the examination room, and there are many types of mobile phone signal jammers: In addition, there is a wireless communication detector outside the examination room, which can help process electromagnetic wave data signals in frequency bands that wifi Bluetooth Jammer cannot ignore, and monitor electromagnetic wave data signals of unknown origin in real time .

In terms of military jammers, German soldiers operating drone jammers aimed at the DJI “Elf” will go to Mali for actual combat deployment. German soldiers are carrying HP 47+ jammers, which are used to deal with drones performing reconnaissance and attack missions. Major Simon Rüschkamp, head of training, said: “In recent years, the importance of defense against micro-drones has rapidly increased in the training subjects of the Bundeswehr. However, opportunities in the German army are limited and cannot provide much-needed training. At present , we are training with the anti-drone jammers in the Air Defense Training Squadron and will accompany them to Mali.” The HP 47+ GPS Tracker jammer can stop micro-drones from approaching, or force them to land. Shoulder rest at the rear, two grips at the front, and a miniature red dot sight. Using the HP 47+ anti-drone jammer can successfully deal with suspicious micro-drones and avoid the loss of our side.

According to foreign media reports, not long ago, the German company Hensoldt released a multi-functional jammer (KA system for short), which is mainly used for air platforms to deal with air defense system threats. According to reports, the characters in the full English name of the jamming system represent “artificial intelligence” and “electronic system” respectively, which means “attacking with artificial intelligence electronic systems”, that is, jamming enemy sensors by disrupting radio and radar signals in available frequency bands And its communication, to ensure that one’s own side has the advantage of the electromagnetic spectrum, and delay and hinder the enemy’s actions.

According to reports, the KA system adopts a modular and scalable design architecture, which can not only ensure the efficiency of the system, but also facilitate subsequent upgrades. Its output frequency covers a wide range and can be adjusted according to different combat modes and interference signals, which helps to improve the electronic warfare capability of the equipped platform. In addition, the system is interoperable with NATO-equipped electronic warfare systems. In the next step, the company will conduct an actual flight test on the KA system, and its effectiveness and data accuracy need to be further confirmed

