How to train YOLOv3 on Google COLAB to detect custom objects (e.g: Gun detection)

Step-by-step instruction for training YOLOv3 on Goole Colab.

Quang Nguyen
8 min readDec 16, 2019
Figure 1: Gun detection with YOLOv3
Gun detection with YOLOv3 after 900 training epochs



I. Introduction
II. Dataset preparation
III. Set up darknet
IV. Modify configuration files
V. Split train/validation dataset
VI. Set up COLAB environment
VII. Training on COLAB
VIII. Predict with YOLOv3 using OpenCV

I. Introduction

It can be said that You only look once (YOLO) has became very familiar with researchers and developer working in on Computer Vision, especially Object Detection…



Quang Nguyen

I am a researcher in the field of Robotics, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. Email: