Core Animation Examples

Quang Quoc Tran
8 min readJan 30, 2019


What Core Animation help you:

  • High frame rates and smooth animations without burdening the CPU and slowing down your app.
  • More fine-grained control over your app’s animations.
  • Style UIView a higher level as corner radius, shadow…

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Core Animation Manages Your App’s Content

Core Animation is not a drawing system itself. It is an infrastructure for compositing and manipulating your app’s content in hardware. At the heart of this infrastructure are layer objects, which you use to manage and manipulate your content. A layer captures your content into a bitmap that can be manipulated easily by the graphics hardware. In most apps, layers are used as a way to manage the content of views but you can also create standalone layers depending on your needs.

You access this layer object by calling layer property of a view. The following sample change background color of a view by changing backgound color of view layer:

You also need to convert UIColor into CGColor for the value of backgroundColor property of layer

Layers Can Be Organized into Hierarchies

Layers can be arranged hierarchically to create parent-child relationships. The arrangement of layers affects the visual content that they manage in a way that is similar to views. The hierarchy of a set of layers that are attached to views mirrors the corresponding view hierarchy. You can also add standalone layers into a layer hierarchy to extend the visual content of your app beyond just your views.

We will view thefollowing sample. We will create a new layer and add it into the primary layer of view:

Layers Support a Corner Radius

You can create a rounded rectangle effect for your layer by adding a corner radius to it. To apply a corner radius to your layer, specify a value for the cornerRadius property of the layer. The radius value you specify is measured in points and applied to all four corners of the layer prior to display.

Layers Support Built-In Shadows

The CALayer class includes several properties for configuring a shadow effect. A shadow adds depth to the layer by making it appear as if it is floating above its underlying content. You can control the shadow’s color, placement relative to the layer’s content, opacity, and shape.

Create shadow for a view

Animating Simple Changes to a Layer’s Properties

You can perform simple animations implicitly or explicitly depending on your needs. Implicit animations use the default timing and animation properties to perform an animation, whereas explicit animations require you to configure those properties yourself using an animation object. So implicit animations are perfect for situations where you want to make a change without a lot of code and the default timing works well for you.

Implicit Animation Sample

To make the same change explicitly using an animation object, create a CABasicAnimation object and use that object to configure the animation parameters. You can set the start and end values for the animation, change the duration, or change any other animation parameters before adding the animation to a layer. The following sample shows how to fade out a layer using an animation object. When creating the object, you specify the key path for the property you want to animate and then set your animation parameters. To execute the animation, you use the addAnimation:forKey: method to add it to the layers you want to animate.

Explicit Animation Sample

Using a Keyframe Animation to Change Layer Properties

Whereas a property-based animation changes a property from a start value to an end value, a CAKeyframeAnimation object lets you animate through a set of target values in a way that might or might not be linear. A key frame animation consists of a set of target data values and the times at which each value should be reached. In the simplest configuration, you specify both the values and times using an array. For changes to a layer’s position, you can also have the changes follow a path. The animation object takes the key frames you specify and builds the animation by interpolating from one value to the next over the given time periods.

The following sample shows a 5-second animation of a layer’s position property. The position is animated to follow a path, which was specified using a CGPath data type.

Specifying Keyframe Values

The key frame values are the most important part of a keyframe animation. These values define the behavior of the animation over the course of its execution. The main way to specify keyframe values is as an array of objects. What you put into the array depends on the data type required by the property.

  • For properties that take a CGRect (such as the bounds and frame properties), wrap each rectangle in an NSValue object.
  • For the layer’s transform property, wrap each CATransform3D matrix in an NSValue object. Animating this property causes the keyframe animation to apply each transform matrix to the layer in turn.
  • When animating the layer’s contents property, specify an array of CGImageRef data types.

For properties that take a CGPoint data type, you can create an array of points (wrapped in NSValue objects) or you can use a CGPathRefobject to specify the path to follow. When you specify an array of points, the keyframe animation object draws a straight line between each successive point and follows that path. When you specify a CGPathRef object, the animation starts at the beginning point of the path and follows its outline, including along any curved surfaces.

Specifying the Timing of a Keyframe Animation

The keyTimes property defines the points in time at which to apply each keyframe value.

Animating Multiple Changes Together

If you want to apply multiple animations to a layer object simultaneously, you can group them together using a CAAnimationGroupobject. Using a group object simplifies the management of multiple animation objects by providing a single configuration point. Timing and duration values applied to the group override those same values in the individual animation objects.

The following sample shows how you would use an animation group to perform two border-related animations at the same time and with the same duration.

Transition Animations Support Changes to Layer Visibility

As the name implies, a transition animation object creates an animated visual transition for a layer. The most common use for transition objects is to animate the appearance of one layer and the disappearance of another in a coordinated manner. Unlike a property-based animation, where the animation changes one property of a layer, a transition animation manipulates a layer’s cached image to create visual effects that would be difficult or impossible to do by changing properties alone. The standard types of transitions let you perform reveal, push, move, or crossfade animations.

To perform a transition animation, you create a CATransition object and add it to the layers involved in the transition. You use the transition object to specify the type of transition to perform and the start and end points of the transition animation. You do not need to use the entire transition animation either. The transition object lets you specify the start and end progress values to use when animating. These values let you do things like start or end an animation at its midpoint.

The following sample shows the code used to create an animated push transition between two views. In the example, both myView1 and myView2 are located at the same position in the same parent view but only myView1 is currently visible. The push transition causes myView1 to slide out to the left and fade until it is hidden while myView2 slides in from the right and becomes visible. Updating the hidden property of both views ensures that the visibility of both views is correct at the end of the animation.

When two layers are involved in the same transition, you can use the same transition object for both. Using the same transition object also simplifies the code you have to write. However, you can use different transition objects and would definitely need to do so if the transition parameters for each layer are different.

Adding Perspective to Your Animations

Apps can manipulate layers in three spatial dimensions, but for simplicity Core Animation displays layers using a parallel projection, which essentially flattens the scene into a two-dimensional plane. This default behavior causes identically sized layers with different zPositionvalues to appear as the same size, even if they are far apart on the z axis. The perspective that you would normally have viewing such a scene in three dimensions is gone. However, you can change that behavior by modifying the transformation matrix of your layers to include perspective information.

The following sample shows the the layer rotate along y axis. In this case the custom eyePosition variable specifies the relative distance along the z axis from which to view the layers. Usually you specify a positive value for eyePosition to keep the layers oriented in the expected way. Larger values result in a flatter scene while smaller values cause more dramatic visual differences between the layers.

Mask Properties

You can use a mask to obscure all or part of a layer’s contents. The mask is itself a layer object whose alpha channel is used to determine what is blocked and what is transmitted. Opaque portions of the mask layer’s contents allow the underlying layer content to show through while transparent portions partially or fully obscure the underlying content. The following sample shows a sample layer composited with a mask layer:

You can download the final project here

