What is Starkware Industries

6 min readMay 15, 2018

Quick shameless plug: My Edenchain ICO review is shortlisted on their bounty contest. I’d appreciate if you could take two seconds to vote for the Quantalysus post amongst the finalists (vote here).

People have been asking me to review Starkware Industries. From best I can tell there will be no private sale nor will there be an ICO. Instead, it appears Starkware Industries is raising funds privately from a handful of prominent early stage and crypto investors.

Now that you’re sufficiently disappointed. Let’s talk about the project.

What is Starkware Industries?

Starkware Industries (hereon referred to as Starkware for short) was founded January 1st, 2018 by Alessandro Chiesa, Eli Ben-Sasson, Michael Riabzev, and Uri Kolodny. If you’re an old hat in the cryptocurrency space you will recognize these names. They are the founders of ZCash, a privacy cryptocurrency. ZCash was revolutionary in that it was the brainchild born out of the Zerocash whitepaper (Ben-Sasson, Chiesa, Garman, Green, Miers, Tromer, Virza). That project was meant to add privacy functionality to cryptocurrencies and thus increase mass adoption.

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