The Rise of Generative AI Usage in Competency-Based Education

Dr J Rogel-Salazar
5 min readFeb 20, 2023

I was talking to a few data science colleagues of mine over a long-awaited dinner when the subject of chatGPT came up around the table. One of them mentioned how much they have been enjoying pushing the capabilities of the chatbot by engaging with it in tasks ranging from writing a poem through to criticising their failed attempt at mixing mince for meatballs (that is probably a story for a different post). All in all we agreed that the capabilities are good but the limitations are evident, particularly in certain tasks. In a previous post I covered some of those capabilities and limitations and as I proposed to my colleagues, I still believe that avoiding antropomorphising generative AI tools like chatGPT is an important step in engaging and using them effectively. This is also something I have mentioned in the context of using these tools in higher education assessent.

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

If we are interested in supporting students in gaining knowledge and experience in doing something effectively, self-awareness is an important component of the equation. In that sense competency-based learning is an approach that “focusses on the student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes as central to the learning process”.

The potential of AI in the age of competency-based higher education is vast. Competency-based education is a…



Dr J Rogel-Salazar

Data Leader, Innovation, CIO/CTO, Machine Learning, Data Science | Dynamic professional with strong understanding of AI/ML, Data Visualisation & UX Design