7 SEO trends that will matter most in 2020

Quantum it innovation
3 min readOct 4, 2019


Professional SEO Services

Just like Google changes its algorithm every now and then, so does search engine optimization.

Those people who always want to maintain their ranking and traffic are always lookout for new ways to beat their competitors, which sets new SEO trends.

As technology evolves, the way we interact with our devices also changing.

So, below we will take a look at what are they:

1) Voice search optimization

Everyone saw it coming. The bigger the mobile and software industry grows, the more we get rid of old-style typing methods. Teaching computers to understand our words, that’s what the future is all about. And the path to this future lies through voice search SEO.

2) Video Optimization

Voice search will not be the only SEO trend taking over the internet, videos are too. Videos are increasingly popular information mediums, which can help in getting more customer traffic eventually. Although videos require special amount of effort to be made and optimized according to trends. According to a study it is predicted that in the coming year’s videos will drive 75% of all internet traffic.

3) Quality Content

Content is the king in every area. But what type of content is considered as quality content? The content that fulfills or satisfies the user need is considered as good quality content and if the user didn’t find your content to be 100% useful, then it will not help in driving traffic.

4) Mobile-First Indexing

In 2018, Google rolled out its mobile-first index. It means websites are now ranked based on the quality of UX they provide on mobile devices.

The Index adds mobile one, if there is only desktop version, it gets indexed the same as normal. It means mastering mobile SEO is also important. Our website must have a mobile-friendly version otherwise a large number of traffic will go away.

5) User Data Protection

Earlier this year, the EU enacted the General Data Protection Regulation which entitles users to more control over their private information used by sites. It certainly helps in making users safe but there are still many issues that can be used by malicious third parties. We will get more data protection as well as many other ways to make the overall experience more secure.

6) User Experience

User experience on a website is a very important part to make or break a deal. Those who want to keep remain profitable should make their website works smoothly on every device. It means easy to read fonts, intuitive design, low page load times, etc. The website gives true impression of a business than any advertisement.

7) Influencer Marketing

There are so many ways that companies use to promote their businesses but on the most trending ones is to make the involvement of an influencer in your marketing campaign. For this thing, we need to find a quick way to contact them. It has been seen that 90% of the influencers spend their time on Instagram a lot which means Instagram might be the platform to contact them.

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