7,500,000,000 QPAY Successfully burned

Quantum Pay
2 min readAug 14, 2018


What is coin burn?

Coin burn in cryptocurrencies simply means sending a number of the coins of native cryptocurrency to a public address from which those particular coins can never be spent/used because the private keys of such an address is not obtainable or does not exist.

Original smart contract info:

Name: QuantumPay

Symbol: QPAY

Decimals: 8

Total supply:

Contract Address:


Burned tokens

Quantumpay has promised to burn all unsold tokens, and as promised a total of 7,500,000,0000 are burned. 3,500,000,000 QPAY are burned and can be tracked in this contract address another 4,000,000,000 QPAY are burned/ transferred to 0x6666666666666666666666666666 which is a non-existing address and can be tracked here which brings us to a new total token supply of just 7,499,999,750 QPAY.

Our answer to your “why burn”

We, the core team value our supporters/investors incredibly. The decision to burn the unsold token was made on purpose to create an economic scarcity so that QPAY HODLers benefit from it. This is our way of rewarding investors, with the number of token supply being lower after burning would create scarcity of the supply hence driving the demand up which is bound to reflect in price appreciation.

Quantumpay will continue to reward our believer and supporter not only by making sure our App that is easy to use, highly accessible and secure but also ensure with the best of our effort that QPAY our token reach its full potential value.

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Quantum Pay

Quantum Pay is a decentralized monetary facility platform which aims to deliver money transfers, game credits, hotel bookings, bill payments, mobile top-ups, on