The Evolution Of Gaming

Robin Daniel
2 min readJan 29, 2019


First of all, this not intended to be an overall evaluation of the way in which computer games have evolved during recent years, but of the ways in which gaming as experience has changed. Most people have played some of the games that revolutionized the industry such as the prince of Persia, Worms, Need for Speed etc., but few ever considered what made these games so popular.

If we consider that most notorious series have had their debut before 1990, it is clear that high-tech graphics or state of the art gameplay were not what attracted their fans. Of course, innovation had its toll, but the main reason why certain games became more popular was empathy. From this point of view, there are two main categories of computer games: fictional and based on real life.

There is nothing more important than feeling like the character you play (driver, plane pilot, football star, soldier etc.) and relating to his story or goals. This mainly how simulators, racing games and sports games came into existence.

The other important category of games (fictional games) is based on a set of completely different principles, centered on the idea of escaping from reality. Most of these games give the player unique abilities (everything from controlling the elements to metamorphosis and time control) which he uses to solve his particular quests and mysteries.

There is another part of the computer games industry, which is not as developed of the other two but is perhaps the most original. It is generally referred to as concept games, and the main characteristic is that these games have a sense of freedom and individual rules that can make the average person hit his laptop consistently. (Ex: Black and White, Sanitarium, Braid)

It is a known fact that these delimitations are ideal and that the best laptop games introduce elements from each one the previous categories to create R.P.G., strategy, shooting, puzzle, simulator, and third /first person masterpieces.

There are few demands that have not been met, so people who dislike computer games are very hard to find and generally very easily converted.

