Reading & Editing DICOM Metadata w/ Python

Ashkan Pakzad
3 min readApr 5, 2019


When my image viewer wouldn’t load a particular CT dataset, I was struck with errors telling me that I’m ‘missing geometry information’, looking at the metadata associated with DICOM images absolutely overwhelmed me. To those unfamiliar, the number of metadata fields according to the official DICOM Standards Committee there are around 3700, nevermind the custom fields that anyone else might add! As one lecturer I recall put it:

“DICOM images have the patient’s name, scan date, image resolution, doctor’s name and what the doctor had for breakfast.”

However, some of these are actually required/conditionally required to qualify as a DICOM file and successfully load into a DICOM viewer.

On top of all this, in the 21st century, we’re most likely using tomographic techniques giving us 3 or more dimensional data, since DICOM files only represent a 2D image/slice we end up with several just to make one volume and each one of these files metadata fields must correlate with each other!


Pydicom is the package you want for all your DICOM metadata field editing (maybe more but I’ve not needed it for anything else). So go ahead and get started with a quick pip install:

$ pip install pydicom

Like any other python package, we need to import it to use it:

>>> import pydicom

Loading DICOM dataset (ds):

>>> ds = pydicom.filereader.dcmread(filepath)

Printing all metadata: (example)

>>> print(ds)
(0008, 0008) Image Type CS: ['DERIVED', 'SECONDARY']
(0008, 0015) Instance Coercion DateTime DT: ''
(0008, 0016) SOP Class UID UI: Secondary Capture Image Storage
(0008, 0020) Study Date DA: '20190405'
(0008, 0030) Study Time TM: '150613'
(0008, 0050) Accession Number SH: ''
(0008, 0060) Modality CS: ''
(0008, 0070) Manufacturer LO: ''
(0008, 0090) Referring Physician's Name PN: "Referring Physician's Name"
(0008, 1030) Study Description LO: ''
(0008, 103e) Series Description LO: 'CT'
(0010, 0010) Patient's Name PN: 'Name'
(0010, 0020) Patient ID LO: 'ID'
(0010, 0030) Patient's Birth Date DA: ''
(0010, 0040) Patient's Sex CS: ''
(0018, 0050) Slice Thickness DS: "1.000000"
(0018, 0088) Spacing Between Slices DS: "1.000000"
(0018, 1030) Protocol Name LO: ''
(0020, 0010) Study ID SH: ''
(0020, 0011) Series Number IS: ''
(0020, 0032) Image Position (Patient) DS: ['0.000000', '0.000000', '0.000000']

Viewing individual fields & setting fields to new values:

# Viewing Field
>>> print(ds.PatientName)
# Setting field to new value
>>> ds.PatientName = 'NewName'
>>> print(ds.PatientName)

Dicom Tags

It may have been noted that every field has an individual code (0000, 0000), known as a tag. The first four numbers denote the field’s group (e.g. 0010 = Patient) and 2nd four denote the ‘element’. The individual numbers of the 4 numbered tags are hexadecimal so instead of taking on values from 0–9 to mean 0–9, they can extend beyond to take on values up to 15 by including the first 6 letters of the alphabet. You can look up these standard tags.

We can use these tags instead of the name to change fields where 0x in python denotes the conversion of a value to hexadecimal.

# Viewing Tag
>>> print(ds[0x10,0x10])
# Setting tag to new value
>>> ds[0x10,0x10].value = 'NewName'
>>> print(ds[0x100010])

Note the different ways that hexadecimal reference to the tag can be made.

Sometimes you may wish to add a tag, we can add new fields ourselves using the designated function dataset.add_new(tag, VR, value). At this point we need to understand a bit more about our DICOM elements, namely ‘VR’ which stands for Value Representation, for Spatial Resolution, these take on floats and thus have a VR of DS (Decimal String). Always be sure to look up your tags!

>>> ds.add_new('0x181050', 'DS', ['1.000000', '1.000000', '1.000000'])
>>> ds[0x181050]
(0018, 1050) Spatial Resolution DS: ['1.000000', '1.000000', '1.000000']

Case Example: Missing Slice Location

So in my case, I had geometry issues where the first DICOM file of my 3D image series was missing the “Slice Location” (0020, ) tag which every other field had and resulted in my volume to be loading in the wrong order. On top of this, it appeared to also be missing an Image Orientation (Patient) (0020, 0037) tag which doesn’t change for each image and is fine to remain at a value of [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]. So, summarising:

  1. Slice Location needs to be added to the first DICOM image.
  2. Image Orientation (Patient) for every DICOM image in the series at a fixed value.

Many thanks to the creators and contributors of pydicom! This is in no way a replacement of the pydicom documentation which can be found at

